Iron Man Board Blaster

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Meck71 · 79

Ride the Lightning(resources) and turn Iron Man into a board-wiping Turret using Bombs Away and Arc Reactor. Use your Powered Gauntlets to prime minions for a big Into the Fray or a timely One by One.

Because Iron Man wants to play tech, the somewhat conditional events in this deck are great to drop as resources or keep in your deck to fuel Repulsor Blast. Hulk and Thor can wipe minions off of the board and Ingenuity and Quincarrier can enable your typical Aerial stuff

This Deck plays best against high-minion scenarios and I personally feel like it's a Multiplayer deck, but I have played it in solo(but it was against Ultron so it smacked).