America's Justice - Stun / Disoriented Lock

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ryson · 140

The core idea of this deck is based on the "stun-lock" version of captain america protection except that the Tackle have been replaced by Concussive Blow.

We still have 3 stuns from Mockingbird and 2x Heroic Strike. And the Concussive Blow gives you 3 disoriented, which is I think more powerful or maybe useful than a stun because you can go safely into Alter-Ego mode.

Indeed, usually you do bigger turns when starting in Alter-Ego and flipping to Hero than when starting and staying in Hero mode. (one more card + Access to Steve's Apartment and Steve Rogers capacity).

The complement of this is a bunch of very good allies wich are very capable to attack.

Followed is also a good way to do additional damage. You might want to swap it out for Haymaker if you play a Villain without much side scheme.

The 3x For Justice! might be a little overkill since there are a lot of thwarting solution in this deck. You might swap one copy for a Haymaker or a First Aid

First Aid is a card I really like, because it is quite cheap and can give you 2 more turn of an ally. Moreover, all allies have 3 hp in this deck, so you can always use First Aid at its best. On the other hand, if you have to much damages, you can always heal Captain America with this.

Down Time gives you a real boost in recovery when needed.

I just tested this deck once against Mutagen Formula Standard / Tombstone => It was an overwhelming victory (Full health and 3 allies on the table when I defeated the Villain. However, I was on scheme 2B even with my justice deck because of a nasty combo of the encounter deck)


Feb 10, 2020 PeaceAndThought · 1

Great deck. I think this would be exceptionally strong in multiplayer, because the Concussive Blows will let other players dip into alter ego mode as well.