Big Green Monster - Kang Edition

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

celric · 441

I think we all assumed eventually a defensive tank archetype would emerge for Hulk. This one is named after the iconic left field wall in Fenway Park.

This is the first Hulk deck I’m consistently beating Kang Expert with. It needs a Justice or Leadership partner to help with Threat, but the big guy can soak damage.

Kang has high attack and decent icon draw. So Stuns and Tough exceed their typical value here. You’ve got 3 of each with Tackle and Muster Courage.

Although you are probably ignoring Muster until stage 2, it’s super good during Stage 3.

Because of obligations, you go to Banner form fairly often. Try to hold out until you have Banner's Laboratory or Down Time before you switch and recover.

Generally, I’m looking to play Allies, before Events, before Upgrades. Still, the turns where you play two upgrades feel good too.

Because this is for Kang, you don’t need some of the best protection cards like The Night Nurse. If you were trying this solo, you would certainly want to make room for more thwart sources like Lockjaw.
