Ne0nFiasc0 Spider-Woman

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ne0nfiasc0 · 1

This is a deck I used in a playthrough of the Rise of the Red Skull campaign. I played opposite a Ms. Marvel Justice deck, and we just wrecked shop.

Things got really silly once I rescued 3 of the zero-cost allies against Taskmaster, but this deck works wonders even in solo play without the benefit of game-warping allies. I played it a few times against the Goblin scenarios for fun, and found it super strong there, too.

The basic premise of the deck is to make the most of Spider-Woman's ability by spamming low-cost allies, and adding extra value to them. I decided to run Leadership and Aggression aspects. Both aspects provide great allies, and I gained access to both Make the Call, and Boot Camp, which are the crux of the deck. You are aiming to drop low-cost, replacable allies, who get +1 attack courtesy of Boot Camp. You cycle through them, triggering Spider-Woman's 'Superhuman Agility' ability to buff her twice every turn (which is mostly achievable).

I have 3 copies of Boot Camp, because you want to see it as early as you can. Drop a copy, then spam low cost allies from your different aspects so you can charge up Spider-Woman's basic actions. It's pretty easy once she's set up to get her to +2 or +3 (using her own aspect cards as well), and you can double tap her with Self-Propelled Glide.

With Spider-Woman's own aspect cards, like Pheromones and Contaminant Immunity, it can be hard for the villain to do much at all, and even if they did manage to get an attack out, you have a myriad of cheap, replacable blockers to take the fall for you.

A great example of the value of the deck is Wasp, who (once Boot Camp is out) comes in for 1 cost, hits for 4, and, as an aspect card, buffs Spider-Woman's stats +1. That is tough to beat.

Tinker and see what ally combinations work well for you. I wanted low-cost spam with abilities that could be re-triggered in combination with Make the Call. I've got a couple of Inspiring Presence in there. It's nice to be able to get extra value out of someone like Wasp, Captain Marvel, or Brawn. Wasp's attack is solid, and both Captain Marvel and Brawn are bringing additional heat on activations, so they are the primary targets for that card. You also get a +1 buff to Spider-Woman's stats, further enhancing its value.

I keep going back and forth on The Triskelion - some games it's absolultely worth it, and others (depending on when it comes out, and draw order for allies) it's pretty useless. There aren't many cards in the deck that aren't pretty much always useful, and I have found I usually have a lot of options each turn for how I can tackle whatever I'm facing.

The other card I keep tossing up is Relentless Assault. It's really good, but circumstantial in that you have to have a minion out. Granted it's a low bar, but Toe to Toe is also a pretty good card for dealing with minions, and you can also drop it on the Villain if need be.

Thanks for reading - if you give this a try, let me know what you think.

Disclaimer - Before I published this, I did have a quick peruse on the site to see if there were a million versions of this deck, but I couldn't find any. If this turns out to be a deck that there are already loads of variants of, sorry! I built this with a mate when we sat down to play through Rise of the Red Skull, and I concocted this. I was originally going to play Scarlet Witch Aggression, but when I saw Boot Camp as I looked through the red cards, I had an idea for buffing low-cost allies and recurring them.


Apr 21, 2021 Davoid001 · 1

Can confirm. Shop was indeed wrecked :p