Protection - Strange, versatile deck?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Olinho27 · 1

Trying to make Ever Vigilant work. (note it only costs 2)

Although Cloak of Levitation is the only way to make it work, the draw in this deck allows to fetch quickly. Also, it is a super strong card which gets the incantation deck going. Now back to ever vigilant. It also contributes to incantation or in a pinch, it can make strange a thwarting/attacking hero. Which becomes alot better with Magical Enhancements.

80% of the deck costs 2 or lower, which allows for more incantation. Stalling the villain with statuses is probably one of the strongest plays for any hero and Strange has access to both statuses.

Also, switching back to alter ego if needed is not a step back especially if you have Sanctum Sanctorum. Recurring Protective Ward is a must for those treacheries you wished you hadn't revealed.

One copy of Second Wind and Energy Barrier to help with survivability. One copy of Beat 'Em Up mostly for Ultron and his drones, but it has come in handy more than once against other villains. Discarding toughs or that time you needed to be the Wasp and deal AOE damage.

All in all, this makes Strange a very versatile opponent for the villain.

Open to any suggestions!
