

Coste: 1.

Respuesta (intervención): después de que tu Héroe defienda contra un ataque enemigo, quita tanta Amenaza de un Plan como la INT de tu Héroe.

"¡Pero recordad que no he empezado yo" - Luke Cage
Gamora #31.

True Grit has two problems as I see it. First, many of the heroes that most want to defend attacks (the ones with high DEF) have poor THW stats - for 1+card, one threat removed is very inefficient, two is not fantastic, and three is just starting to be reasonable. The second problem is that the timing is awkward. Usually you'll only want to be defending against villain attacks, which means you're typically only going to be able to use this to thwart main schemes, or side schemes that have already been sitting in play for a round or more. So it mostly isn't a solution to Protection's problem of not having good answers to side schemes.

Probably at its best in decks that can get their hero's THW stat up to 3 or higher (e.g. Rocket Raccoon, Wasp, Spider-Woman). Just remember that if your hero isn't basic defending, you need to have a lot of Defense events available so you can have one of those and True Grit in hand at the same time.

Fry · 259
If a hazard scheme comes out you, you can safely leave it on the board with a small amount of threat and plan to defeat it with True Grit during the villain attack before cards are dealt. If it's a crisis scheme, then you'll probably have plenty of threat on the main to worry about. It's really only amplify schemes and some other weird ones where True Grit's timing because a notable problem. — OrionJA · 8
I could see this being useful with Quicksilver as he’s going to defend every round anyway. If you’ve played Maximum Velocity and/or Repurpose his THW is somewhere between 3-7. Free card with — AgentPhil · 1
I think this card fits perfectly Black Panther with protection aspect: it has 2 THW and retaliate as ability so we normally will defend villain attacks — biosk · 1
This card deserves a 2nd look now that Cable is out. After TVP is in the victory display this combos with Askani’son to remove 6 during the villain phase and potentially ready Cable. In a multi-hero game Heroic Intuition, Specialized Training, and Sense of Justice could make for extremely efficient plays. — celric · 468
This combos well with X-23's Animal Instinct. but if you already have huge THW for a single turn, it's pretty likely you've already gotten your 'money's worth' from it. — RabidHobbit · 11