Build-your-own-ally (Star-Lord Leadership)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Snowjedi6 · 87

A very silly Star-Lord deck about buffing some allies to their max potential. Any of the allies in this deck are good contenders to slap upgrades on: Ronin gets some great synergy with any upgrade and can consistently do 4+ damage a turn with just one upgrade, Giant-Man just needs the Reinforced Suit to also be able to do 4 damage each turn, Yondu is one of the only allies without consequential damage so slapping on upgrades to him can give you a literal infinite damage dealer, and Nova Prime is just a beast all around. Hawkeye is the only one that doesn't need any upgrades, but his free minion damage is great for keeping the minions at bay so your beefy boys can take out the villain. The First Aids are almost a necessity here to keep the minions topped up so they can do as much damage for as long as possible.

I am considering taking some more card draw cards, but I don't want to dilute the deck with non-ally supporting cards too much.

Have fun!