Klaw Heroic 2: Spider-Man (2 of 3)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

celric · 441

The Road to KLAW Heroic 3

Anyone else using Covid-quarantine to chase the FFG Challenge of beating Klaw Heroic 3?

I've been working up decks that can consistently tackle KLAW Heroic 2 to see if those decks can make the leap to Heroic 3.

I'm using a single set of cards, so I'm focusing on 3 player/hand/identity games.

Play this deck alongside the Spider-man and Captain America decks I've also posted with the same title format.

https://marvelcdb.com/decklist/view/1052/klaw-heroic-2-iron-man-1-of-3-1.0 https://marvelcdb.com/decklist/view/1051/klaw-heroic-2-captain-america-3-of-3-1.0

What's new here?

Spider-man has a simple plan in this deck: block, play allies, help teammates.

In most games you will start every villain phase in hero from to prevent Klaw from scheming. If you don't have Backflip you will be blocking every Klaw attack.

You've got a couple First Aid and your Metal Buddy is loaded with Hot Air and Hospitals to heal you.

Go Live With Your Aunt: Eviction Notice

Your Favorite Aunt doesn't get to see you that much with your hero work. You can choose never to play her, or you can weaponize your obligation with her. Because obligations allow you to change forms, you will often take choice 2 and keep it in the villain deck until everyone's board is built up. This costs you 1 random card and heals you for 4. Pretty good trade if you ask me.

+1 to your friends

In normal team games, I run 3x Inspired. The best allies stay on the board for a very long time. In heroic games, you are going to see more attacks so allies need to block more. Prioritize the 1x you have for Daredevil or Vision. None of the other allies are worth keeping around.

I was surprised to find Morale Boost doing a lot of great work. Because your buddies have an Arc Reactor or they can Do This All Day, taking 2 extra threat off crushes the side schemes and the extra block comes in handy too.

Good Card Alert: Web-Shooter Both Solid-Sound Body and Sonic Converter can be removed by paying one of each type. Most of the time, you'll be the one paying that. Web-shooter helps you find one of each resource while keeping many options in your hand.

GL HF Get your team out there and stay alive. You don't have to be the center of attention to be the life of the party if your a friendly neighborhood Spider-man. I hope this 3 hero team is fun as you slog out tough wins vs KLAW Heroic 2... and maybe even 3!