Ant-Man, Giant-Man, and More? Oh my!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Tdawg · 1

This deck is a lot of fun! Although it's only been tested once, it beat Crossbones Heroic 1 on its first try in multiplayer, and though leadership is strong with any hero, I feel like this particular build provides enough of a twist that it doesn't feel stale or boring. Perhaps the idea could play out with any hero, but I truly enjoyed the feel of it with Ant-Man.

The main focus of the deck is to get allies with lots of attack in front of you (Giant-Man, Vision, Goliath, and Spider-Man) and using them to pump out lots of damage sustainably (Get Ready help you get the most out of your allies, especially Spider-Man and Goliath, while United We Stand and Team Training are key to keeping Vision and Giant-Man in play longer). Giant-Man could be considered the focal point as those previously mentioned cards, in addition to Reinforced Suit, help him keep the required minimum of 3 health for big damage.

To offset the high cost of our big allies, Avengers Mansion, Quincarrier, Team-Building Exercise, 2x The Power of Leadership, and 2x Quinjet are included. TBE is used instead of Avengers Tower because it has a lot of compatibility with Ant-Man's hero-specific cards. Although allies like Hawkeye, Maria Hill, Squirrel Girl, and Stinger are good in lots of situations, it may be good to switch one or two of them out for Make the Call or Rapid Response, though this hasn't been tested yet.

The deck doesn't thwart very well, so damage from allies may have to be sacrificed at times to have them thwart instead. As with any Ant-Man deck, Ant-Man's Helmet is probably your highest priority as it enables lots of healing and card draw without flipping to alter-ego, which does a lot to mitigate threat. The combiniation of Wrist Gauntlets and Quincarrier is as strong as ever, as it allows you to stun or confuse the villain pretty much whenever you want, and the rest of Ant-Man's hero-specific cards are so good that you should be playing them when you aren't putting your big allies into play.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I have!