I Can *puff* Do This *puff* All Day (Spider-Man Justice)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Spider-Man Justice Expert Heroic 1 Updated 194 154 15 1.0
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KingOfRohan · 4340

I built this deck to take on Solo Rhino Heroic 1. Got him on the first try!


Daredevil is extremely helpful. You want to keep him in the fight with First Aid.

Aunt May is crucial. If you draw her, you need to play her. Since she can heal 4 hit points on the turn you flip to Peter Parker, and another 4 hit points the next turn before you flip back to Spider-Man, try to flip to Peter Parker when you have close to 8 hit points to heal. Endurance increases the target zone from 1-2 hit points to 1-5 hit points.

Honorary Avenger can be used on Daredevil best but could also be used on yourself to increase that target hit points zone in the same manner as Endurance.

Concussive Blow allows you to flip to alter ego comfortably, since the villain is confused. For Justice! allows you to clear a lot of threat when flipping back to hero or when a side scheme comes up. Don't forget Web-Shooter's provide which can be used as to trigger Concussive Blow or to trigger For Justice!

Mockingbird is great for the stun, the block, the occasional thwart, and for clearing Tough.

Jessica Jones is very situational - use her to thwart when you're facing multiple side schemes, but she punches for a solid 2 damage. You will often play her when The Power of Justice makes her extremely cheap to play (especially when flipping back to Peter Parker and using the resource from his “Scientist”).

Under Surveillance gives you a wide berth for allowing threat to build on the main scheme and then clearing it with For Justice! Since you have three of them, you don't necessarily need to play the first Under Surveillance you draw.

Certain cards like Backflip and Swinging Web Kick are so powerful, you may even hold onto them when you don't get the chance to play them that turn, which is normally a cardinal sin in my book.


May 25, 2020 KingOfRohan · 4340

Next game: WON against Risky Business on Heroic 1 with Running Interference instead of Goblin Gimmicks.