Spider Rivals: Spider-Man

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Wittebaard · 13

This deck is entirely built to work with Spider-Man's rival buddy Venom. Since you won't have much options to do actual thwarting with this deck, just make sure you focus on your core aspect goal, which is doing damage!

  • Setup/Mulligan:

This deck is built on making high cost cards into low cost cards by using resource generating cards like Deft Focus, Martial Prowess, Helicarrier, Quincarrier, 2 copies of Web-Shooter and if course Peter Parker's mental resource generating ability. When drawing your opening hand, try to get at least 1 or 2 of these on the table if possible. The sooner you can start dealing damage, the better.

  • Gameplay:

Since your depending on your spider buddy Venom to take care of threat, what you want to do is cycle your deck as quick as possible for all those resource generating cards. Don't be afraid to throw away good cards like Combat Training or Toe to Toe or whatever at the end of your turn if this means you can cycle to better cards. They will come back soon enough and some of these cards come in pairs of 3, so there's a big chance you'll see them return soon enough. Other than this, try to get allies on the table so you can take advantage of Boot Camp. If you have Black Cat and Bug, they will basically never leave and do tons of damage for you. Hulk, Mockingbird, Spider-Girl are primarily in there for defending and their opening actions. Wasp is very strong when Boot Camp is in play, but she can be used for defense too, depending on the game state. To be honest, Spider-Man is primarily in there for thematic fun, you can switch him out for another card if you prefer.

  • Combo's:

As mentioned before, the best combo for this deck is to combine all resource generators as soon as possible. This way, your best cards, which are definitely Swinging Web Kick, are practically free to play! Also, try to have Boot Camp combined with Black Cat and Bug so you can rely on steady damage each round. Other than this, it's a pretty straightforward deck.

Spider-Rivals have defeated:

  • Rhino (standard)
  • Klaw (standard)
  • Green Goblin, Risky Business (standard)
  • Red Skull (standard)
  • GMW: Drang (standard)
  • GMW: Collector: Infiltrate the Museum (standard)
  • GMW: Collector: Escape the Museum (standard)
  • GMW: Nebula (standard)