Star-Lord and Iron Man Combo - A great Guardian never sacrif

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Blackkkyyy · 1

This is my first decklist publishing. :) Don't hesitate to give some comments and put some likes if you liked it !

Deck description:

THE BOSS : -Iron Man. He gets guardian trait thanks to Star-Lord passiv.

Maximize your Search and draw with :

  • Call for Aid(x3) -> 2 ways to use this ability. You can use it to search Iron Man in your deck with 100% chance. If Iron Man is already in your hand or on your board, you can also use it to empty and reset your deck, and deal yourself 1 facedown encounter card, which is great to combo with Star-Lord general gameplay.
  • Daring Escape(x3)
  • Bad Boy
  • Mulligan as much as you can. Don't be afraid to empty your deck fast.

Ressources cards : You won't need any Strength, Genius or Energy for this deck as most of your cards has a 0 or 1 ressource cost, so your deck has a better rotating without it.

Upgrades for Iron Man :

  • Comms Implant(x2) -> Sustain and +1 THW. You need the guardian trait but no problem with Star-Lord passiv.
  • Inspired(x1) -> basic buff, but the most important is to save Iron Man. That's why you don't need more Inspired in your deck.
  • Laser Blaster(x2) -> needs Guardian traits but once again, no problem. Bring +1 ATK and overkill ability to optimize your bonus damages on minions.
  • Reinforced Suit(x2) -> Make your Iron-man a real HP's bag. It's usefull because he can attack and thwart more often and stay safe at the same time.
  • Sky Cycle(x1)-> Ready ability and Aerial trait.

Survivability for Iron Man :

  • HP Upgrades (2+2)-> With full stuff, Iron-man can get 6 HP. Remind that these HP are mainly used to get extra attacks.
  • Ready for Action(x3) -> As you play with only 1 main ally, this simple target ability becomes really strong because your Iron Man is even more protected by tenacity. If Star-Lordis low HP, you can use this to switch the boss targeting. It also gives you security in case of a damage treachery.
  • Regroup(x2) -> As Iron Man is your only ally, you need to make sure to get him back as soon as possible. I prefer Regroup over Rapid Response because of his cost (1 over 2). Morever, Star-Lord forced interrupt ability bring Iron Man to a 1 ressource cost card. So for the same final cost, you have Iron Man back with full HP instead of HP-1 with Rapid Respons, and 1 more extra attack. In general, you'll have to use this ability on a lategame last hope situation. As this deck is composed of 80% 0-1-2 cost cards, you won't have 3 cost other cards than Iron Man to play at the beginning of your turn. -Teamwork(x3) -> I count this card as a sustain one because it's a way to make Iron Man attack or thwart for free without any HP loss.

Attack combo for Iron-man :

  • Target Practice(x3) -> Once he gets Laser Blaster, you can stack for free target practice, dealing 2 extra damages to ennemies for each. With a full stuff Iron Man, it can deal 4 basic ATK + 2x3 extra damages = 10 damages (+ 4 basic damages with Sky Cycle = 14 damages). Remind that Laser Blaster gives overkill ability, so there's no waste if you decide to clear a minion with this attack.

Upgrades for Star-Lord :

  • Element Gun(x2) -> Piercing ability with possibility to stack 2 for a total of 6 piercing damages. At the beginning of the game, don't hesitate to discard it with mulligan because you'll get it from your deck with Peter Quill setup ability. I still think it's better to take the Element Gun in deck than in discard pile because you don't need 2 Element guns in early game. This way, you have a bigger probability to draw Iron Man or Call for Aid. If you don't draw one of these 4 cards, even with a full mulligan discarding, just focus on Star-Lord's upgrades.
  • Jet Boots-> Sustain. Really strong with Call for Aid and Daring Escape. If you get a good rotation, you can tank easely a lot of damages, saving your Iron Man.
  • Leader of the Guardians-> THW buff for all Guardian allies. No problems with Star-Lord passiv.
  • Star-Lord's Helmet-> Your main upgrade item because with a bigger hand, you can empty and reset faster your deck, giving you extra facedown encounter cards. As most of your cards costs nothing (Iron man's upgrades inclued) or 1 ressource, you can rotate easier your deck and optimize your damage's potential.

Sustain for Star-Lord :

  • Jet Boots-> Aerian Trait
  • Iron Man target switch with Tenacity from Ready for Action. -Crew Quarters-> This card is huge for Peter Quill. Everytime you switch to alter ego, you heal 1 + 1 HP on your next turn. Not as performant as Aunt May, but still good for a 1 ressource cost card. With his alter ego ability, you play a lot with Peter Quill.
  • Bad Boy-> This card just negates ennemy's attack and you also draw 2 bonus cards. It combos well with Crew Quarters.

Attack combos for Star-Lord :

  • Sliding Shot(x3) and Gutsy Move(x2) : If Iron Man is on the board, you potentially have 7 facedown encounter cards drawing cards (Star-Lord passiv + 3 Daring Escape + 3 Call for the Aid). With Gutsy Move, you can remove up to 16 threat from a sheme. With Sliding Shot, you can deal up to 19 damages.
  • Element Gun-> 6 piercing damages for 1+1 ressources.

Board Cleaning :

  • Nova Prime-> Aerian Trait. Delete one non-elite minion, really cool for high HP minions and his basic stats are also really good. But still, he's not your priority. It's a situationnal tool.
  • Air Supremacy-> If you have your 3 aerian champions Star-Lord with Jet boots/Nova Prime/Iron Man with Sky Cycle on the board, you can deal 3 damages to 3 different ennemies for only 2 ressources. It's really situationnal tool, but it can bring a huge turn-over during the game.