Ms. Marvel (Aggression) vs Mutagen Formula (Expert)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kal · 13

My first Expert win, two-handed with Captain Marvel (Justice) vs Mutagen Formula with Running Interference.

Captain Marvel deck is here.

Melee boosted with or without Embiggen!, and Toe to Toe are your means of dealing with all the enemy minions. Plan of Attack finds you more copies of those cards, plus it can also shuffle the deck after you use Aamir Khan.

Drop Kick is mostly for the villain, and Team-Building Exercise works on all four allies as long as you're in hero form. Brawn is there to block the villain and can usually soak two attacks, but of course you should use the others to chump block when necessary as well. Ms. Marvel is quite vulnerable to all the additional attacks the villain can throw out so I included Endurance as well.

Mulligan away everything except your resource/draw generators and personas, and try to stabilize while building up your board.

Deal damage to the Green Goblin until you're within 1-2 points of the next stage, then switch to Alter-Ego form and on the following turn use a 3-point Bruno Carrelli and Hall of Heroes draw to give yourself enough ammunition to push it and defeat the final stage before the villain phase.