5-Hour Energy (feat. Captain Marvel, Command Team)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Stretch22 · 648

The power of Repulsor Blast alone has spawned energy resource-focused Iron Man builds in the past, and the newest Captain Marvel ally gives us another reason to overload the deck with energy resources.

Iron Man loves his Tech upgrades, so there is also a Voltron theme with Ronin and Yondu, whose cards also happen to produce energy resources. As part of this theme, I am trying the new card Command Team, which can definitely pull its weight with a buffed Yondu suffering no consequential damage, or can provide a burst of small burst of damage when you need it.

Other new(-ish) cards!

Two Against the World - I am planning to run this as a two-player list alongside War Machine. In solo, I imagine it's not great so feel free to replace.

Deft Focus - Only generates a resource for Repulsor Blast, but we are playing that card every time we draw it, so we should get our investment back.

Kaluu - Helps dig to Repulsor Blast. Gotta love it.

White Tiger - Doesn't play a specific role in the deck, but there are not a lot of options for energy-resource allies and is generally good value against Villain stages 2 or 3.