She-Hulk - Justice draw!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10709

If you've been around marvelcdb for a while, you may know about my obsession for some characters (ahem... Thor, for example). Justice She-Hulk was one of my first favorites, even from the core box when everyone disliked her.

This deck is basically the result of "eh, haven't played that in a while". While it isn't ground-breaking new, the combination of some elements make it a fun deck to pilot.

Basic idea

I just wanted to check how fun it would be to throw in some newer justice cards with She-Hulk. The deck revoves around a few elements:

One Way or Another is amazing and really helps with finding the goodies, building your board.

You can use Hellcat to thwart, take her back into your hand, play her, then have her thwart again. This was always an option, but with Avengers Tower, Quincarrier, Team-Building Exercise in play, you can actually put her back into play without using all of your hand. That idea's been around for a long time and you can find quite a few fun decks using this very concept here, on marvelcdb.

This also helps nullify the impact from side schemes (since you'll be using One Way or Another). You can get rif of them with 2 activations fromHellcat, or just one + your own, or a combination using Clear the Area (ideally triggering this one with Sense of Justice so you don't ruin your hand AND getting the card from Clear the Area so, no impact on your hand).

  • Zero-impact from AE end of turns

with Sonic Rifle to confuse the villain and Jennifer's "I object!", you can get an amazing ZERO THREATH when you revert to AE. This allows you to get the most out of flipping every turn (gets you the free 2 DMG from "Do you even lift" without any downside).

  • Grey power!

With so many basic cards that you really want in play, The Power in All of Us is amazing. Really helps building a solid board, pay for costly allies. Worst case, use it as a to fuel Superhuman Law Division.

Sample amazing end-of-game turn

Starting in AE with 6 cards, draw 1 from Avengers Mansion. Flip, deal with that Tough card with "Do you even lift?".

Draw 2 from Focused Rage (you now have 9 cards). Play One Way or Another (11 cards), have Hellcat THW 2, play Clear the Area using Sense of Justice. Clear the Area replaces itself, you also draw from Skilled Investigator (12 cards now).

Play Nick Fury using 2 double resources, draw 3 (back to 12 cards).

Basic attack, One-Two Punch, basic attack, One-Two Punch (8 cards left). Play Gamma Slam.

Use Sonic Rifle, confusing the villain, play Split Personality, reverting to AE and drawing 6 cards, play Mockingbird...

You get the jist. Possibilities are amazing.

I play solo expert, so far this deck has beaten the first scenarios (excluding campaigns which I haven't tried yet).

I just thought it was fun to play and wanted to share!

Have fun!