Valkyrie - Chooser of the slain!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

neothechosen · 10667

NOTE: 41 cards because Valkyries has 16...

I’ve been waiting for this hero for a long time! Valkyrie is a very cool hero that comes with lots of cool new cards, but after a few tries, I found that she works much better with this combo of cheap aggro and grey allies / support. I’ve been playing her true solo and TBH I wanted out of the justice aspect, often an easy go-to for solo play. So after quite a few tests, I came down with a list that’s fun.

Playing Valkyrie

Valkyrie’s kit is kind of a huge combo, revolving around you bringing down an enemy with Death-Glow attached. Find said enemy with Chooser of the Slain, attach Death Glow, basic attack or play Have at Thee!, then reap rewards from Valhalla and Flight of the Valkyrie, plus readying your hero. Dragonfang helps getting a huge atk boost against the enemy with Death-Glow, the spear some more DEF, as does Shieldmaiden.

All of it is pretty fun and works fine; however, I often found Valkyrie was somewhat lacking as far as resources go, making it rough to play all you want in a turn (attaching death glow + playing have at thee takes all your hand, leaving no room for anything else). This deck makes up for it by throwing in resource-producing assets (Helicarrier, Quincarrier, Avengers Mansion) and ways to play them (5 double resources with The Power in All of Us), some more draw power (mansion, fury, ironheart, hall of heroes) and key events to help maintain your life and control over the schemes.

Key cards

Put into play every support and upgrade you can to help with card draw, producing resources, and Valkyrie’s own supports and upgrades:

Flight of the Valkyrie, Dragonfang, Valhalla, Quincarrier, Avengers Mansion, Helicarrier, Combat Training.

All the while, you want to get the most out of her combo. Events are there to complement her kit and participate in her playstyle:

Relentless Assaultt helps you get rid of minions when you don’t have - or can’t afford – have at thee.

• Same goes for Chase Them Down if you didn’t put flight of the valkyrior into play – or can’t afford to.

Moment of Triumph is a personal favorite of mine and I don’t see how you can pass it up. Play chooser of the slain, play have at thee, heal for 4 – 5 hp with moment of triumph… just so good!

Smash the Problem. This card is very good, if you have combat training in play and dragonfang, you get to thwart for 4! A very solid choice for every low-thw but high atk hero. I started out with 3, turns out I didn’t need as much most of the time (flight of the valkyrior is THE absolute best choice for Valkyrie, and often, chase them down is enough, and your allies…).

I use allies for THW, draw, blocks. Bug is very useful, as long as you attack, he gets one more activation. Play him on turn one, you’ve got 1 thw almost every turn form now on! Most are basic, as the power in all of us makes it so much easier to play them (Fury / Mocking bird / Spider man…)

One cool combo

Attack the villain for 4, play chooser of the slain, get a 2 or 3 hp minion and 2 cards. Play relentless assault using your carriers, heal with moment of triumph, ready, attack once more, play have at thee against the villain… Amazing what a few more resources and cards can do!


Jan 31, 2022 cindar92 · 1

Great deck. Played it a few times against Expert Drang and had pretty good success. One game I got Shadows of the Past turn 3. I was already in alter ego and had two allies that could thwart for 1. Reduced Enchantress’s scheme to 1. Next turn, one ally is beguiled. Had to defeat a minion with the other ally since Valkyrie can’t attack. Get her obligation next turn. I threw in the towel. I was laughing so hard but Her nemesis is unusually harsh.

Feb 01, 2022 neothechosen · 10667

@cindar92 agreed! the "can't attack" thing is a bit much.

Real Harsh nemesis seems to be an ASGARD thing : Loki too can be real painful, sometimes I just let him attack me and focus on the villain instead (I once had a game where I had to attack him 8 times before defeating him!). Plus, the more you have built your board with ASGARD cards, the more the side scheme is impossible to get rid of...