Black Widow - Justice - Whatever it takes

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Rutxa · 15

The goal of this deck is to stay as Natasha as long as you want and eventually take the role of the Black Widow to kill or thwart something when is most needed.

Initial strategy: Mulligan all expensive cards except for resource generators like Helicarrier, Quincarrier or 1 Beat Cop.

Try to get both Black Widow's Gauntlet and the Safe House #29 as soon as possible to get 2 extra cards per turn that are virtually free thanks to the gauntlets.

Having 1 beat cop will guarantee you 1 Thwart point per turn and a enemy minion kill when needed.

From that try to allocate all the preparations you can per turn in order to counter effect the boss mechanics and reduce the cost of Winter Soldier to. best case scenario, to 0.

I recommend to ignore all the events unless you need to kill something, confuse the boss or heal yourself with Making an Entrance. You will play them in mid-late game.

Mid- game: I recommend to have at least 1 Spycraft, 1 Counterintelligence, the Espionage at all time to get the maximum of miss Romanov skill set. With this you will get 2 extra cards if a surge is triggered, counter one dangerous treachery and reduce the amount of plot to never lose control of the situation.

If the encounter is more minion based try to set at least 1 Attacrobatics in game and if the the danger lies in the treacheries go for Grappling Hook.

Use Agent Coulson to search for whatever is missing on your board and remember to abuse your safe house to recover your most needed preparation. If you can try to play a second Beat Cop and/or Wiccan (which is a beast Thwarting expert encounters due to the high boost icons in the cards)to help you with that Thwarting and to start with the damage to the boss or control more the board.

Late game: By now you will have all the preparations you need, your cops and some allies to help you fight the baddie, now is the time to abuse of your events.

Focus on launching Concussive Blow and Dance of Death to deal damage to the boss or kill minions that are away of your cops range of damage (if any). And use the Sonic Rifle charges after launching Covert Ops to your target.

In this stage in when Synth-Suit shines giving you the option to defend yourself at 3 def points and to ready your hero after use a preparation (and at this point it will almost happen every turn).

Use your allies and your own attack if needed to boost your turn damage and eventually the boss will fall.

Added notes:

Nick Fury is a nice to go card because, like Natasha, gave you what you need in a pinch moment and can be reduced to 2 resources if you have the 2 ships in play.

Beat Cop you can play with less beat cops, maybe only one but I would not recommend to use less than 2. Is a nice extra thwarting source and kill minions in which Natasha is not that great. You can add Quake instead of one cop for example and play more Attacrobatics to cover you from nasty minions.

Endurance is a standard +3 health that in theory you should need because you are more turns in alter ego form than hero, but you will eventually flip (by choice or need) and then you will be thankfully to have 3 extra HP. Said that, is not essential and can be switch for another ally, an extra copy of a preparation that is good against your current boss fight, whatever suits your playstyle.

Skilled Investigator, Heroic Intuition and Target Acquired are just cards to make you better as a widow. These cards are not part of the core engine per se so feel free to add/remove copies at will ^^


Jan 04, 2022 Azrael · 1

The deck looks pretty strong and complete, will try it soon!