Spider-Woman - Juste Aggressor (Project Post-con) [A/J]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Michaelangelo · 3981

This deck is part of Project Post-con: building a ready to use deck for each existing hero, just using the available card copies of buying each pack once. This does not only enable fast pick-and-play, but it also makes each deck feel unique, as not everyone is using the same powerhouse cards. Each deck is intended to be fun and usable in expert mode, but none will be the absolute strongest possible due to the card limitations. Looking for other decks? Search for the Post-con tag.

Project Post-con Version 1 (Cards up to a and including Valkyrie release)

With Spider-Woman decks there are two obvious routes to take. Either take advantage of her crazy combo potential or focus on her stat boosting and readying. I chose the latter, as we keep the combo deck for a certain guardian. The deck focusses on a good balance in aggression and justice cards with cheap cost to up her ATK/THW to at least 4 each turn.


With a lot of 2-cost cards, I opted to keep in the basic resources. However, except for these three cards the deck uses only aspect cards.


Allies are typically expensive and there are only so many 2-cost allies to distribute in this project. As a result, the deck is a bit lighter on allies.

  • Captain Marvel is worth her cost due to her great stats and card draw to support later turns.
  • Spider-Girl is a nice cheap ally to ensure you have cards left to play another aspect.
  • Quasar finishes the list a a decent 3-cost ally.


The upgrades are there not only to empower Spider-woman, but to also thin the deck to get your hero aspect cards out as much as possible.

  • Combat Training and Heroic Intuition bring her base ATK and THW to 2 before her hero ability, being great value.
  • Battle Fury and Justice Served are cheap to get her stats up and enable to ready in later turns where you can play more aspects.
  • Finesse is wonderful to enable paying al your aspect cards. It's basically two wild generators for like 75% of your deck
  • Counterattack and Lie in Wait are again cheap to get her hero ability running. When needed you can also keep them on the field to thin the deck or activate them in a pinch for some additional damage.
  • Followed provides a similar roles from the justice side.
  • Skilled Investigator is great, as not only is it super cheap, it enables you to get more card draw.
  • Hand Cannon is further nice to thin the deck and make optimal use of your increased ATK stat.


  • Jessica Drew's Apartment helps with card draw and has enough targets to choose from in this deck.
  • Tac Team and Surveillance Team further thin the deck. The former helps ping off toughs for turns of 4 ATK or to finish of a minion where Spider-Woman alone can't. The latter helps ensure you strike Clear the Area.
  • Interrogation Room helps het some extra treat removal and is quite consistent in the combination with aggression.


The goal is to include cheap events, so you can play multiple each turn to take full advantage of Spider-Woman's stat line. As she only has 2 blue and 2 green cards, these are priority to play. As she has access to both red and yellow cards, it is preferred to keep attack events in aggression and thwart events in justice, as they are typically the strongest.

In conclusion, Spider-Woman can do it all, with access to aggression's attack and justice's thwart. Combined with an average stat line of 4/4/3 she is the pinnacle of versatility.


Jan 03, 2022 mamutito · 1

Hey @Michaelangelo, nice job!, i dont see Deft Focus in card list.

Jan 03, 2022 Michaelangelo · 3981

hi @mamutito thanks for the comment. Deft focus was originally in, but removed it in favour of another deck in the end. Seems I missed updating that part of the description. Updated it now.

Feb 18, 2022 Matsie313 · 1

This deck was so much fun and powerful against the Red Skull. Might have been one of the best experiences I've had with this game so far. I kept him stunned and confused so his attachments did nothing, while keeping his side schemes under control and benefitting from clearing them.