Gamora - Hit the ground running (Project Post-con) [A+]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Michaelangelo · 3981

This deck is part of Project Post-con: building a ready to use deck for each existing hero, just using the available card copies of buying each pack once. This does not only enable fast pick-and-play, but it also makes each deck feel unique, as not everyone is using the same powerhouse cards. Each deck is intended to be fun and usable in expert mode, but none will be the absolute strongest possible due to the card limitations. Looking for other decks? Search for the Post-con tag.

Project Post-con Version 1 (Cards up to a and including Valkyrie release)

What makes Gamora unique in this project is that she has a hit-the-ground-running play style, requiring little to no set-up. Focussing on attack and thwart events, she can spread out small ticks from turn one to keep the villain under control. Gamora in my opinion still works best in aggression, as she still favours attacking events with her sword. The addition of threat removal through justice is a nice bonus.

Her hero ability to deal small damage or remove threat, combined with her unique deck building rules, make her one of the most versatile aggression hero's around. I solo, she can keep the board under control from turn 1 including quite some stun-lock options, in multiplayer she is great to combine with a more set-up heavy hero.


As her events are split across three aspects plus basic cards, there is little to no use in the aspect specific Power of Aggression. She also have enough ping damage to not need audacity, thus the basic resources are the only ones includes here.


  • Nebula is a good ally as her ER cost is only 2 due to her instantly bringing a card to your hand.
  • Mockingbird's stun helps with Gamora's relatively frail nature.
  • Drax is a fun ally, with high attack. Out of all guardian decks, he fitted Gamora's the best.


  • Keen Instincts are the most important cards to get her engine going, as Gamora needs to play multiple events per turn. In combination with Martial Prowess for the many attack events, Gamora is able to go for strong, but expensive events.
  • Combat Training is a given for any aggression deck and combines with Godslayer Gamora can often pull of 5 ATK on strong enemies. For the more generic minions, she has other slaying tools.
  • Gamora's Sword adds to the ping damage Gamora can do to ensure you always have just enough damage to finish every enemy with finesse.
  • Honorary Guardian slightly helps increase her HP for low cost and thins the deck. Furthermore, it is an insurance against Caught Off Guard and similar cards that want to discard your few but precious upgrades.


This deck is quite exceptional, with only one support card: Conditioning Room. This is a decent card to help Gamora a heal and get the right events back for the situation, but it is not a must to storm through the scenario.


At the core of this precise deck, we have a lot of events. The aggression events are focussed on attack and the justice events on thwart. Protection events are nice to have response actions, to utilise her hero ability as often as possible. As Gamora has good resource generation and cheap own events, this deck has room for some powerhouse additions.

  • Set the Pace and Acrobatic Move are options to ensure you have a t least one attack and one thwart action that turn for her hero ability or the power the next two cards.
  • Forward Momentum and Decisive Blow are very cost efficient as long as you played the other event type already. And this deck makes sure you have options.
  • Drop Kick is the powerhouse in the deck and its ability to stun strongly protects Gamora's more frail nature as an aggression character. The card draw is also easy to achieve thanks to her three resource generating upgrades.
  • Clobber and Impede help with your hand resource management as you want to play multiple event types per turn.
  • Crisis Averted is expensive but efficient on the main scheme, allowing you to use you're smaller thwarting hits on the side schemes. I included only one though, as the cost curve was getting high and the justice card pool was running low.
  • Hit and Run includes both actions. It ensures you can use all of Gamora's other capabilities that turn, but is a bit expensive if you have other cards in your hand that can do the job. However, in a pinch for a certain event type, this card is a life-saver.
  • Emergency, First Hit and Crosscounter are great to set off her hero ability also in the villain phase, maximising efficiency.
  • finally, Daughters of Thanos is just fun to pull off as it helps you get the right card combo between all the events in this deck. Especially fun in multiplayer with the Nebula deck of this project. In solo, you could opt to remove this in favour of another thwarting event.

In conclusion, as soon as Gamora jumps from the Milano, she is ready for action. She can handle anything, which may be a necessity if you are used to working with Peter Quill.