S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Banner - Double Oh-Hulk.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
HULKY SMASHY 0 0 0 1.0
HULKY SMASHY 0 0 0 2.0

Randito · 39

Welcome to my silly themed Hulk deck.

I've always had this dumb idea of making a Spy-themed Hulk. Unfortunately, the card selection was not there to support it. With the release of Sinister Motives, spy-decks and S.H.I.E.L.D decks are not only possible but fun!

Grab your martini, slick back your dark Hulk hair... presenting...

S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Banner - Double-Oh Hulk -- License to Smash

Double-Oh Hulk


This deck is themed around three ideas:

S.H.I.E.L.D allies

This deck has 8 S.H.I.E.L.D allies. With Helicarrier and Government Liaison working together, it can reduce their cost by 2. Nick Fury, Agent 13 and Dum Dum Dugan are still expensive but possible in alter-ego or with a little help from The Power in All of Us.

With S.H.I.E.L.D agent Hulk face tanking and Field Agents supporting, you can keep your S.H.I.E.L.D allies around longer to manage threat. With the help of a few recharging Surveillance Teams, you should be able to handle their schemes.

There are are also some mini-combos with certain allies. Agent Coulson brings in the Preparation card, Espionage and Monica Chang warps in the Surveillance Teams.

Agent 13 and Field Agent combo well to help you ready the Helicarrier or even the Surveillance Team if you need some more thwarting.


Hulk decks need help. With a hand-limit of 4 and the mandatory discard, any cards that make the deck efficient or helps with card draw are golden (like Justice).

Vigilante Training is an important card. Any Justice card events can be recycled back into your deck, depending on what you need -- Global Logistics for pruning the encounter or player deck, Homeland Intervention for thread management, and One Way or Another for card draw.

One of the problems that Hulk decks have is the left-over cards at the end of your turn. Plan B is a way to help with that. You can ditch that unplayable card and deal 2 damage. Sky-Destroyer is another good 2-damage trigger for helping out with minions or triggering S.H.I.E.L.D effects.


The Global Logistics is fun card in this deck. It's a 0-cost card, something the Hulk desperately needs.

But, it adds something that Hulks need -- flexibility and the ability to setup combos.

It's hard to make combos or get the right cards with Hulk decks. The 4-card hand and the mandatory discard is very limiting. The Global Logistics is a fun card that let's you change that. Put your expensive cards or big Hulk cards at the bottom of the deck... search for the Helicarrier and Government Liaison to setup your engine... search for Agent Coulson or Monica Chang. The Global Logistics also work as a great end-game card for stacking the encounter deck.

Vigilante Training is there to add flexibility. Need some more threat prevention? Recylce your Homeland Intervention. Need some card draw? Recyle the One Way or Another card. Need more setup or end-game help? Global Logistics.

Its got lasers!

What's a spy without some cool spy gear? The Sonic Rifle provides Hulk a way to easy switch to Bruce Banner. Quake provides additional alter ego support by picking off scheming minions.

With the right setup, you could alternate between the 6-card draw (7 if wearing his black-tie Symbiote Suit) from Bruce Banner and the Hulk Smash from Hulk.

Symbiote Suit

A super-spy needs a black tux dinner jacket and a secret agent needs a ninja suit.


The Symbiote Suit is there for fun and as an end-game tool. With S.H.I.E.L.D supports and allies deployed, and with a thinned out deck, Symbiote Suit can be a fun card to play. But early game, it can act as a source to help trigger some of the Hulk cards like Unstoppable Force.

Are you Hulk enough to put on the suit?

Shaken Not Stirred

With the power of S.H.I.E.L.D and with a little help from his black suit, Hulk can put the Oh! in 007.



Apr 15, 2022 Randito · 39

Thank you for the feedback, everyone! This is my new version.