Spectrum - Lead by Example (Project Post-con) [L]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Michaelangelo · 3988

This deck is part of Project Post-con: building a ready to use deck for each existing hero, just using the available card copies of buying each pack once. This does not only enable fast pick-and-play, but it also makes each deck feel unique, as not everyone is using the same powerhouse cards. Each deck is intended to be fun and usable in expert mode, but none will be the absolute strongest possible due to the card limitations. Looking for other decks? Search for the Post-con tag.

Project Post-Con build: V2.0

Removed since previous version: 1x Enhanced Awareness

Added since previous version: 1x Ant-Man

Spectrum is a powerhouse on her own, having a base 3 stat line in each stat, just not at the same time. This allows her to be either very versatile or go full power in either, still reaping the benefits of the other. This deck aims for the former, allowing Monica to do it all. She, however, needs her hero cards to do this, so she isn't stuck. Therefore, the deck focusses on drawing into those cards or re-readying you for action in this event-heavy deck. This provides a unique leadership style that can hit the ground running.


The deck is not too heavy on leadership cards, so no need for any resources but the basic three.


All allies in this deck focus on going in, having an effect to help her form change abilities, chump and go:

  • Blue Marvel is straightforward, as he gives a free form change.
  • Kaluu has the same goal, but by getting you your hero events.
  • Maria Hill, Nick Fury and White Tiger increase card draw, again making sure you have access to your form change events.
  • Ant-Man is the odd one out, but a very strong and versatile hero to either play cheap or put a lot of resources in on an otherwise bad hand.


  • Energy Duplication is your powerhouse resource generator. It not only has the same flexibility as your forms, but with two on the board, your form changes become cheap or free. Together with Avengers Mansion, this is the card to mulligan for in this deck.
  • Deft Focus further helps with all you form change events, as all are superpowers.
  • Enhanced Awareness is to help you in turns where you need to play a lot of events, and alternatively you can keep it on the board to thin the deck for your own events.
  • Ready to Rumble finally helps you ready each time you change forms, ensuring you can get the maximum out of all your stats.


  • Avengers Mansion further ensures you'll always draw into the needed form change events.


Finally, her events are the core of this deck. They are split into events that can change her form and supporting events.

Form change:

  • Speed of Light is a free form change as it replaces itself. This enables flexibility.
  • Gamma Blast and Photon Speed are your attack and thwart events, that not only do their action, but let you change form to do even more.
  • Pulsar Shield let's you defend and ready for another defence or to be readied for your next form change.

Supporting events:

  • Assess the Situation is another card that helps you go through this event)heavy deck fast.
  • Earth's Mightiest Heroes helps you ready Spectrum even more. Yes, there are only a few targets, but with your many card draw effects and Make the Call, you will typically always have a target available.
  • Make the Call not only works in combo with Earth's Mightiest Heroes, it also allows you to use the "when enters play" effects of all your allies again. As most allies are cheap and/or let you draw more cards, this enables you to play not only allies, but also your form change events in the same turn.
  • Moxie: She has multiple hero forms, uses her base stats a lot and this deck has re-readying options. Moxie was almost a given for this one.

In conclusion, this alternative leadership decks ensures Monica can get the job done herself, giving a powerful play style where the "you" keyword is always right.