Solve for X (X = 3) - 2nd Attempt at Meditative Problem Solv

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

wedgeex · 38

Update - messed with the numbers after a few plays and it is much more consistent and fun to play. Dangerous? Stupid? Yes and yes. Still fun and powerful turns.

Kind of craving The Power of Justice but definitely can't find room currently.

This is a pretty unpolished idea that seems to make more sense now that Chance Encounter has dropped. That card really fleshes out some of the plays and gives you options where you’d normally not have any.

Thinking about dropping Eros for Gamora just to find Problem Solvers and One Way or Another more consistently.

Also co-opting the Meditation tech that other Star-Lord builds have been utilizing. It’s amazing some of the hands you can pull off with this build. Obviously you can’t play the flagship card Problem Solvers off of Meditation but you can’t set up some pricey Avengers for the flip and alley pop dunk of 2-4 side schemes + the main scheme.

I’ve wiped 25 threat in one turn with what seemed like very little effort. It’s a lot to line up but honestly, if you didn’t want a Rube Goldberg machine why are you looking at Star-Lord decks?

We have 5 Avengers in deck - with 3x Chance Encounter surely we’ll get what we need when we need it for a big ol’ PS. 2 cost allies will always be something I gravitate toward in Marvel Champions. The ability to play them relatively cheaply and then chump block a big attack is very appealing.

Knowhere allows for every ally in the deck to be a potential draw when played with Star-Lord’s passive ability. Not sure if this is needed but it sure seemed sweet.

One of the complications I’m running into is running out of side schemes in the villain deck.

Other cards that I’ve considered:

+Jessica Jones - I have this dream scenario of having 2-3 side schemes running at once and having Jessica as my Guardian (with the passive). It’s dumb. I should drop it. But… Maybe…. +Quasar - If the goal is to purposefully pull out of a ton of side schemes wouldn’t you think this would make the cut? The fact that he’s a 3 cost ally with 1 THW is the reason I can’t justify this one. Basically the same reason for Jessica Jones. +Mockingbird - Great ally, awkward cost. +"Think Fast!" - Great card in any Justice Guardian. Just doesn’t make the cut here. This deck is much more about flashy cure than prevention. +For Justice! - Just a solid card that I usually run in Justice builds. Even if it isn’t as efficient, you can still Problem Solvers just the main scheme in a pinch. +Heroic Intuition - The card just doesn’t seem to do as much as I want it to, especially in a deck with so much competition for slots. Even with the occasional Daring Escape to make it that much better, it still doesn’t feel great to tempo out. +Endurance - just a solid card, especially for a hero that kicks the hornet’s nest like this.

As always, looking for ideas for improvement. Keep causing/solving problems!