Solo Expert All Villains

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Thehealbus · 22

Hello all, sharing the deck I've used to beat all the expert mode scenarios out as of Green Goblin pack.

The general idea is that you want to spend the bare minimum surviving while you ramp up and get all your upgrade/support cards out. Once that happens it's pretty much game over and you can deal with anything. The rest of the deck will be over 2/3 , so those Repulsor Blast will be doing some serious damage to finish out the game or nuke a 5+ health enemy minion out.

Individual card tips:

Arc Reactor: A free stand, this lets iron man remove 4 threat with his basic thwart(6! with Heroic Intuition). If you're low on health, and have Down Time, you can thwart, flip, heal and next turn do the same in reverse for a 10hp heal!

Stark Tower: This is the card you should be using to game like crazy for value, keep Mark V Armor or a single Rocket Boots in your discard to constantly bounce on back for +1 resource to spend. (don't forget to keep 1 tech in hand when you get to the point of shuffling your deck so it doesn't get shuffled in)

Mark V Armor: Very much not usually worth it for the cost, only purchase when you either need the hp now, or have nothing else to buy.

Pepper Potts: Another broken resource generating card, the best way to use it is to pay for an upgrade/support/ally with a double resource card, since it will remain on top, then using pepper for another 2 to pay for something.

Enhanced Awareness: Once your deck is pretty thinned, it can be hard to get a mental resource to go aerial, this is a great spend, because you have 3 turns of aerial without having to spend a card in hand.

The Power of Justice: This may not seem super useful because of the very low costing justice cards in the deck, but the wild resource can help pay for aerial, or discard a villain upgrade since you're going to be pretty strapped for anything not in the late game.