Star-Lord - Smooth Talker, Hulk and Wolverine As One!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Star-Lord [A] 0 0 0 1.0

neothechosen · 10618

The idea behind this deck is to buff and abuse Hulk and Wolverine's attack power. There are multiple ways to go about it:

  1. Buff Hulk with Energy Spear, Sidearm, Boot Camp for a 7 atk ally. Same for Wolverine, but you can attach him with "attack training", for up to 8 ATK.

  2. You can simply use their attack OR use As One! to exhaust both for a 15 DMG, overkill attack!

  3. If you plan on attacking with the Hulk, revert to AE and use "SMOOTH TALKER" to put a resource from your hand on top of the deck, making hulk a 7 + 2 DMG attacker. With 5 attacks like these (Hulk's HP), the game is pretty much over. Shouldn't be too risky with Psylocke and Professor X having your back with confuses.

  4. You can use Nick Fury and Professor X's second HP using C.I.T.T. , since every ally is a GUARDIAN in a Star-Lord deck. You could also double-attack as Hulk, but don't do so if you don't know the top card of your deck! Wouldn't want to lose him ta an untimely discard. Double-attacking with Wolverine is safer, if he doesn't end up in the discard from the double consequential (hence the use of As One! as much as possible).

Have fun!


Nov 20, 2022 Alexin · 205

Great deck! I don´t think Wolverine is really that good here, Stard Lord has easy access to piercing with Element Gun. I´d rather consider cheaper allies like Wasp or Thor, with also attack 3 (and the latter comes in with toughness). Whats is the purpose of Looking for Trouble? Do you think deck struggles with threat removal?

Nov 20, 2022 neothechosen · 10618

@Alexin Thanks! Honestly I like that Wolverine has healing, which means with patience he can deal damage for as long as you need, plus others cannot have attack training. But yeah, Thor would bring great minion removal and wasp fits for as one. I included looking for trouble for moments when double thwarting with daring escape seems dangerous (extra encounter), plus it is a physical resource for Smooth Talker to put on top of your deck for Hulk. Other cards could fit this spot honestly.

Nov 22, 2022 ClassyRobot · 5349

Now that’s a lot of damage! Always great to see Star Lord decks outside of the classic Blaze of Glory. A really smart way to avoid Hulk’s negative effect. Would Enraged be…overkill? Lol

Nov 22, 2022 neothechosen · 10618

Thanks! Enraged could be good...if you really want to focus on As One! and not have your allies attack. Otherwise you'll just burn them fast and lose your setup!