"It's Clawbberin' Time!"

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
"It's Clawbberin' Time!" - Ditch the Asgardian 2 2 0 1.0
Wolverine (Clawbbering time adapted) 1 0 0 1.0
Wolverine - If they're dead they can't hit back 0 0 0 1.0
Wolverine "Doing What I Do Best" 0 0 0 1.0
Wolverine "Doing What I Do Best" 3 1 0 2.0
LOL, eh? Logan Lo-lo-lo-lo Logan… 0 0 0 1.0
LOL, eh? Logan Lo-lo-lo-lo Logan… 0 0 0 2.0

VillainTheory · 27310

"Wolverine here. You wanna play my deck? Smart move, bub."

At the time of posting, this deck has defeated several villains including:

  • Expert Magneto
  • Expert Thanos
  • Expert Nebula

This is an hybrid between ally swarm, attack events, and basic ATK - with Fluid Motion linking attack events to basic ATK, and Utopia linking ally swarming with basic ATK.

If you like this deck, feel free to give it a ❤ ! Thank you!


It's Clawbberin' Time!

"First things first, this deck ain't messin' around - these cards are pure adamantium Aggression. We don't lay down the law - we lay down the claw. Defending? That's for chumps!"

"So your turn starts, you got your five cards. Got an attack card? Run it through my claws. Yeah, I'll take damage - but pain just makes me feel alive."

"Lunging Strike and Clobber are the real deal. Into the Fray ain't bad either if there's threat enough and a minion with a death wish."

"Next, better hope you got an ally in hand too - and you oughta, we're packing ten of those chumps. And you remember what I said about chumps? They defend! Each one of our pals here is good for an attack or two, maybe some thwarting, but at the end of the day a chump always defends. Remember that."

"Now I know what your thinkin'. 'Ooh Logan, you heal so fast, why not just let your allies live and take the damage?' Bah! I've heard it all before. See I've been around a long time, taken plenty o' damage over the years, and died in more comics than most heroes have had comics at all! Trust me. I've had my share o' hurtin'."

"Block with your allies. Keep me nice 'n healthy. That's the way I like it."

"Now I ain't always seen eye to eye with all the X-Men, but when it comes to triggering Utopia? They're the best. But those Asgardians, Thor and Throg? Complete chumps! But they're such chumps they don't just defend once but twice."

"Got all that? One attack, one ally. That's your goal, play 'em every turn, Canadian-style. You play anything extra on top o' that? Well that's just the slicing on the cake."

"The plan looks simple but there's more to it than meets the eye - just like me. And that ain't hard when you're my height. Some turns you'll have more allies or attacks, some less - but you're smart. You picked me. So improvise."

"You can go easier on the attackin' turn one. Play some upgrades or supports. My fav? Utopia, there's a reason I already mentioned it. A double slice is twice as nice."

"Helicarrier, The X-Jet and Boot Camp? Any of 'em are good if you get 'em early, just don't go worrying over them later. The way I do things, games won't last long. Patience isn't my strong suit. I'm the best there is at dealing damage- Eh, you know the rest."

"...And, uh, this is kinda embarrassing but my skeleton fell out. If you find my Adamantium Skeleton, do me a favor and slap it back in, will ya?"

"Wolverine out."

Alternative Cards:

While I had the best results with the deck the way it is, there are several other great cards you can consider. Here are some with the pros/cons:

  • Endurance - More health is great, but Adamantium Skeleton is usually enough
  • Hand Cannon - Good damage, handy overkill, but hard to afford alongside 1x attack + 1x ally every turn
  • A second Fluid Motion - A cheap bonus to your ATK, but we aren't reliably playing 2x attack cards in one turn
  • Brawn - Good threat removal, but he's not a good chump blocker.
  • Dust - She's another Utopia ready, but the worst of the Aggression X-Men allies when solo
  • Fastball Special - A great attack but only if Colossus in in play

Good luck and have fun!

And special thanks to Jimmydm90 for the deck's name.


Nov 27, 2022 pheips · 51

Thanks for that deck! I have a hard time making Wolverine click for me and typically would just let it be, but Wolverine is my favorite comic hero. This deck so far worked the best for me!! I just replaced the two non xmen heros for thematic reasons.

The only thing that still bothers me with Wolverine is that his kit seems a bit anti-synergetic even when used with this deck. I think an ideal deck would make him actually take damage, but just a bit without defending so he can get the extra card draw. And he would stay in hero mode all game. But that means he would need to spend more cards on healing, consequently playing less events then. He seems like a hero that wants to do too many things.

Anyway, I like yor deck, because it works regardless ;)

Nov 28, 2022 pheips · 51

Final verdict:

Thanks for you great job on the deck. It may not make use of every card in Wolverines kit, but it has what it takes to win and more importantly is very enjoyable to play for my taste.

I did beat all the Mutant scenarios on expert I the last 2 days and interestingly some scenarios were easier than expected. Mold was super easy, but I was also able to beat Magneto and Mojo at first try. Magog and Sentinels on the other hand took a couple of tries, but even those were beatable although they are really a bad matchup for chump block decks.

Thanks again!

Jan 09, 2023 Nuggette · 1

Looks fun! About to give it a whirl 2 player with a buddy doing storm leadership. I'll let ya know the results victorious.

Jan 10, 2023 Nuggette · 1

Sabertooth didn't stand a chance.

Jan 10, 2023 VillainTheory · 27310

@Nuggette Amazing work! Glad it went well!