Spider-Man - Yondu & The Halloweenies (Voltron Cover Band)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Spider-Man - Yondu Black Cat update 10 9 1 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

QuantumPriest · 25

Are you ready to rock?


Leadman Yondu backed by Black Cat on guitar (that she swears she paid for) and Eric Brooks as The Vampire on the drums (because for some reason he already had the wooden sticks). All the while, Stage Manager/Roadie Spiderman (oh yeah, this is his deck after all) is trying to keep the toxic fans from storming the stage.

So this is my first deck build that I think would be fun. As someone who thought the Voltron types of decks are a fun idea, I thought I'd try my hand at a unique flavor.

For those new to the idea, Voltron decks involve taking allies that either don't naturally take consequential damage from activating (Black Cat, Yondu) or have a means of preventing the damage (Blade, Cosmo) and attach as much to them as you can for free damage every round.

Flavor Town


My flavor involves taking the usual choices Yondu and Black Cat and adding a seemingly underlooked option, Blade. He's obviously a little tricky to maintain, but I believe structuring the deck a little bit, we can accommodate Blade's needs for Physical violence.

As you I'm sure you've already noticed, it's 50 cards. I've cut some to even get to 50, but realistically, you could probably change a few if you're going this high anyway. There's a little room for customizing here, I think.

The Strats


So first thing, we need to start getting allies so most of the deck has something to start sticking to. Any ally works (but Black Cat or Yondu are your best choices) as they ideally are going to hang out and be the targets of supreme firepower. Remember, guns don't kill people; Red mohawked aliens, white-haired spandex wearers, and half vampire sunglasses-at-night rockers do. An argument might even be made to mulligan your opening hand if you don't have at least one ally to get started. Up to you though. Meanwhile, Spidey is going to have to defend against the bad reviewers and their minions while the band tries to find their sound and maybe getting a swing in here or there.

After you have a body (or hopefully more), start loading them up with some upgrades and from there, things should start snowballing as you get more bodies to hold more guns and so on. Use Get Ready to get more value by swinging more than once and Strength In Numbers to try to pull more of what you need.
Spider-Man takes a little bit of a backseat by just defending for the group and using his base kit to do a little supplemental damage. Also, make sure you keep your Spider-Tracers thrown on minions whenever possible for a nice assist in helping manage threat when the band swats 'em down.

Enhanced Spider-Senses are essential for not only the usual target (Shadow of the Past), but also for any encounter cards that might deal damage to the band (as we don't really have a way of healing them back up). I included one copy of Make the Call just so there's a means of fishing an ally out if one takes too much damage or if you accidentally mill it from a Call for Aid or encounter card. Feel free to add a First Aid or two if you're concerned, just keep in mind it's and dilutes your potential for Blade. Alternatively you can just sit on a Rapid Response in play in case something happens.



An interesting combo that has some potential is throwing out some Air Supremacys while we have Sky Cycles on our dudes anyway for the readying capability as they also get Aerial from it too.

I included a Call for Aid so we can either use it as an emergency button to at least grab our boy Blade if we just get a terrible opening hand and mulligan. Or we use it as a deck reset if our best cards are in the discard and Blades already accounted for. And if all else fails, it can just fuel Blade for another swing.

In Conclusion...

I'm so glad you could join me today. Feel free to test it out and let me know in the comments if you love it, hate it, or have any feedback you feel like giving.

Thank you and good night!


Dec 13, 2022 UnbornWerewolf · 1

Looks fun. I'll have to try it out.

Dec 13, 2022 neothechosen · 10648

Fun write-up!

Bonus points for the Strat!

Dec 13, 2022 QuantumPriest · 25

@neothechosen Thanks so much! I saw your very fun looking build and wanted to try my hand at seeing if there was room to be had for another ally that didn't get to see a lot of play outside of chump blocks.
I would love to hear your criticisms of the choices and if there are maybe some improvements to be made? I have pretty thick skin ;)

Dec 14, 2022 neothechosen · 10648

@QuantumPriest I just realized you tagged my deck as inspiration...wow thanks!

I think you put in every card you could to buff these allies, looks pretty nice! One thing to consider: if you don't get to use Make the Call (I don't think your allies go to the discard often), then maybe consider Command Team?

Good job!