Condition Yellow (MCM Secret Santa 2022)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MegiDolaDyne · 5949

This was a deck I built for KennedyHawk and MCM's Secret Santa deck exchange. I was asked to make a fun multiplayer deck for Iron Man, and I couldn't decide what to build for him so I made two different lists, one Repurpose list and one Justice list.

The deck enables Iron Man to deal with most of the threat in a multiplayer game. With a Heroic Intuition and his Helmet in play he can thwart for at least 7 every turn, and in case that's not enough he also has some solid thwart cards. Yaw and Roll is a card I haven't had much success in the past, but it actually works like a dream here: with either Quincarrier or Ingenuity in play you should have no trouble going Aerial every turn, and you're basically guaranteed to use your Helmet every turn so the requirement of using a thwart action is easily met.

We do have a few non-energy cards, and that can potentially hurt our Repulsor Blasts, but most of them are inexpensive upgrades that will allow us to thin our deck down to a point where the deck is mostly energy. And we do kind of need Down Time because recovering in Alter-Ego is going to be our main form of defense. You'll be thwarting so much that you can easily keep up with the added threat from all that flipping, anyhow.

Thanks once again to KennedyHawk for running this event.


Dec 20, 2022 Theberg123 · 1586

Justice was outshined by other Aspects for Iron Man after the core set, so it's great to see an updated list that still runs great with him. Happy Holidays!