Venom Leads From The Front

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Nman1115 · 74

A Venom Leadership Deck that uses "Welcome Aboard" to help pay for Allies, The Triskelion to increase the number of allies in play, and Make the Call and Rapid Response to get Allies back into play. The Allies included in this deck have different uses like Nick Fury and Maria Hill for card draw and Maria Hill draws cards for everyone in a multiplayer game. Hawkeye and Squirrel Girl are to help with minions, and Squirrel Girl along with Multi-Gun can easily deal with the Enraged Symbiote from Shadow of the Past . Professor X and Falcon can help deal with threat and Professor X can confuse the villain to safely flip to Alter-Ego. Black Knight is to deal with tough status cards and U.S. Agent is to help block incoming attacks and use his retaliate to deal damage to enemies, Ready for Action can make this strategy more efficient.

In Multiplayer This deck can pair nicely with Captain America Living Legend ability and using "Welcome Aboard" to bring in 3 cost Allies like Professor X or Agent 13 for free.