Card draw simulator
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Neokarasu · 179
This deck aims to take advantage of Strength In Numbers with the ability to stack up to 6 Avenger allies via Avengers Tower + The Triskelion + Stinger and draw into multiple Wakanda Forever!.
Early game: The early turns will be focused on developing T'Challa's upgrades and supports. Priorities will be on The Golden City > Vibranium Suit > Avengers Tower > Quincarrier > Panther Claws >Tactical Genius/Energy Daggers. Allies are lower on the priority scale (except Shuri to fetch an upgrade and Maria Hill to help everyone develop) so don't be afraid to use them as resources.
Midgame: After you've assembled most of your suits and supports, it's time to shift priorities to developing allies. You don't have to wait on using Strength In Numbers. Drawing 2 cards is the goal and anything more is a bonus. You should also be using all of your Wakanda Forever!.
Endgame: The endgame state is when you're able to keep 4+ allies on the field and drawing 4+ cards with Strength In Numbers and playing multiple Wakanda Forever! each turn.
Card choices:
Kaluu: the perfect card for this deck. Finds Strength In Numbers and Wakanda Forever!. Can then defend and recycled with Make the Call on the next turn.
Maria Hill: very good at helping development during early and midgame where not being an Avenger doesn't matter for Avengers Tower.
Captain America: should cost 2 or less (3+ Avenger allies + T'challa) most of the time and he's just good value at that price. His play pattern also lines up nicely with Strength In Numbers (e.g. exhaust to draw, ready, defend an attack with Toughness).
Team Training: this lets you play Ant-Man for 0 cost and also use Make the Call on him. Overall also useful to get another activation out of your allies whenever you're not exhausting them to draw.
Mighty Avengers: this is more of a midgame card that doubles the effectiveness of most of your allies on turns you're not playing Strength In Numbers.
Cards I chose not to include:
Avengers Assemble!: this is only useful in very narrow circumstances after you're already fully setup anyway and for the cost of playing it, you would rather play multiple Wakanda Forever! and replenish your ally count. And I would rather have the cards currently in the deck than this.
Band Together: early game is when you really need the resources and that's when this is the most useless.
The leadership draw strategy is his best, and also the most fun since you see Wakanda Forever! more. His Golden City and Vibranium Suit are such great cards. Thanks for the post.