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Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

weatherman · 25

This is another fun deck I've created for solo play or multiplay. Both work amazingly fun.


This deck is mainly to play your ally as much as possible to do their stuff while you will just tank them. Either you can just absorb the damage done or defend when there's no tough status available.

This deck is centered to keep your MVP alive as long as possible and he is Wolverine. With his healing factor and X-mansion just always ready to heal, he can pretty much shred anything either the minions or the villain into pieces.

Read on to see how to pilot the deck below:

How to play

Keep in mind - You are a tanker, try to keep your ally alive as long as possible. Use the X-mansion when it's ready.

Mulligan - Deft Focus > Iron Will > Team-Building Exercise > X-Mansion. The first 3 card is important as it can help to provide a discount for your other cards. X-Mansion is the core strategy for this deck.

Early game - You are the main tank, make sure your ally can do what they intended to do. Wolverine is the reason this deck is fun. Try your best to play him when available. Always equip Attack Training on Wolverine when possible. If let's say you are not able to get it, it's fine as you can THW with Wolverine while waiting for it. Wolverine is immortal at Thrawting.

Mid-game - By this time your Wolverine ATK should be more than Colossus himself and is ready to spam his ATK, thinning the Villain down. And yes you don't have to ATK every turn. Might just go ahead and pass the turn without doing anything in case need extra healing. You also should have a couple of other allies that can help ATK or THW when needed. Sunfire and Magik would be super awesome to play when they can really help to remove any painful attachments or a BIG non-Elite minion in play.

Late game - By this time usually you would have Boot Camp ready and another of your allies also is equipped with Attack Training. All the setup is ready and when your teammate is ready as well, you can equip Enraged on Wolverine and play Fastball Special. Sometimes if you are lucky you can combo it with Team Strike or most of the time it will be just a normal ATK. On average you will have 20-22 ATK values. And if you have some other event card maybe it's good to play it as well. It either you will finish the villain or your teammate will end the game for you > GG


I have played with Leadership aspects on most of my heroes but it is really hard to keep the allies alive for most of the time. But with Colossus seems like it is no problem as the Tin Man can absorb the damage with tough status. And with what is better to team up with Colossus other than the adamantium boned himself. That's why I have chosen the Aggression aspect as I can play Wolverine to my heart's content. He can shred down the minions and the Villains the same. Only with a weakness of retaliation enemy. Other than that, this deck has no problem with solo or multiplayer.

Most of the time I played this deck. My other teammates will say Wolverine is the MVP of the game. As for those who have played with this deck, they even never hesitate to upgrade Wolverine with their own ally upgrades that are available like Leadership Reinforced Suit or Inspired.

Now I am waiting to get my hand on the War Machine pack as I want just one more basic upgrade from that pack to get my Wolverine meaner!

This deck works wonders in Solo and Multiplayer. Give it a shot.

Btw, I build the deck with what expansion that I currently have, there should be a better build out there, feel free to comment and give suggestions on what can be considered to make this build better.