Unconventional Web Warriors Vol 3: Green Eggs & Ham

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

J__G · 185

I'm trying to go back and play some of the web warriors in aspects I've never played them in.

I've played a good amount of Spider-Ham, but to my recollection, never in Protection.

I decided to build around the excellent Protection web warrior allies rather than building a defense-focused deck, which has anti-synergy with Ham's desire to take some damage.

Spider-UK is a beast once you're built up, and will often pop minions like balloons before they ever get a chance to damage him.

Spider-Man Noir is not my favorite card, but you could play the long game with him and boost him up quite a bit by stashing treacheries.

Silk and Spider-Man are stunningly good allies all around.

The intent is to lean really hard on Energy Barrier to reduce attacks down to manageable levels but still do the damage to Ham to get him his counters.

This deck is designed for multiplayer, but I have no doubt that with as strong as Ham is, it would work just fine in solo too.