Power level rising

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Shazbahty · 580


Okay maybe not that high but still pretty high. Back again with another "off meta" hero/aspect combo. This time it's a Wasp leadership deck that wants to take advantage of her giant forms ability to spread out attack/thwart. Using Mighty Avengers Wasp's Helmet Teamwork and maybe Rapid Growth boost your basic activation and then let it rain. Don't have an ally to help pitch in? Go All Out (or switch in Push Ahead) to make use of the boosted stats. Earth's Mightiest Heroes and Swarm Tactics, which has 2 targets thanks to Ant-Man are there to help get multiple basic activations.

Originally I had Moxie instead of Morale Boost but I didn't find myself switching to alter-ego much so I decided to reduce the amount of targets to recur with G.I.R.L. Avengers Tower is included to be more of a cost reducer than for the bump in ally limit so feel free to switch it for maybe Helicarrier or a cheap ally like Stinger. Despite relying on allies to help boost stats this deck isn't designed to keep them around. If you want to keep allies around consider Ready for Action.

I really wish I could have gotten more use out of small but mighty but leadership is just lacking in attack/thwart events in general. It may also be my lack of experience playing Wasp or leadership as a whole as well but overall I'm happy with this deck and I hope if you give it a try you'll enjoy it too.