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Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

Shazbahty · 580

The next deck in my "off meta" hero/aspect combo is this Star-Lord protection deck. This was an interesting deck to build because protection doesn't have a lot of 3 cost cards outside of allies. Then I realize that with 8 targets in his kit already I could take it in a different direction. Enter this Protection ally/recursion deck.

The key to this deck is Leader of the Guardians. Since every ally you play is a guardian you can make the argument that it is the best card in his kit. Add in Knowhere (is there a Star-Lord deck that doesn't include this?) and you can see where I'm going. Clea and Starhawk especially should see the table multiple times in a deck pass. Daredevil is mostly there to block and be a target for Shake it Off, though don't hesitate to use it on yourself. Black Widow and Get Behind Me! to help manage those rounds when you do have an extra encounter card. And Nova because I like to include allies I don't use a lot.

Don't worry about the allies doing all the heavy lifting. Down Time and Endurance are there to help you take a few more shots and get back into the fight quicker. Also guess who is also a guardian character? Star-Lord himself of course. So once you've played Leader of the Guardians that's 3 thwarting and C.I.T.T to help smooth out those awkward rounds where you don't have a good play to get another activation you've got things handled.

The design of this deck is to cover protection's thwarting issue and it thrives on cheap allies so you could very easily justify cutting a few cards for allies like Ironheart (who would become free with Knowhere) Blade Armor or Cosmo who would get the bonus in alter ego and combos nicely with smooth talker ability. The main source of damage in this deck is his Element Gun but if you want, you could cut What Doesn't Kill Me for Hard Knocks to get more damage.