Cable- Defending the innocent

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Stumpyfjord · 66

Messing around for solo in different aspects. Leveraging Aksani-son together with his ready up once per phase.

Only one game into the test against expert solo Mysterio. But worked well and recovered from Stryfe threat dump card.


Aug 21, 2023 dr00 · 43773

i think protection cable looks really fun. i was also thinking about trying True Grit!

Aug 22, 2023 Shazbahty · 580

That is a lot of potential threat removal upon defending. It almost feels excessive. So in this case do you prioritize Superpower Training over Technovirus Purge to get Askani'son online quicker or is it more of a situational decision?

Aug 22, 2023 Stumpyfjord · 66

I like TVP first still in solo but only if I can get the 5 threat down in my first hand. I've been using my mulligan to get a mindscan in hand if possible for the job.

Eventually I'll take some time and add in more detail to the description above but Askani'son only really turns on when you have Graymalkin up and running as well. Before your mat is all set, True Grit gives you an energy resource to use towards that need. The deck isn't "perfected" yet, the balance is still a little off. Three copies of True Grit is probably too many.

In general, especially in solo, I value having redundancy on the "don't lose" conditions. If I survive, the base 3 attack, plasma rifle, and big earth shattering kabooms of Telekinetic Blast will eventually come through.

Sep 17, 2023 adsarf · 441

@Stumpyfjord I've also been trying out a defence-oriented Cable deck ( Compared to you I've gone for a lot more deck-thinning. With only two allies, how do you plan to manage the threat on side schemes so that one True Grit or Askani'son can defeat them?