Wolverine / Justice - Core Set Only

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CardboardChampions · 317

Wolverine is a fan favourite of so many players, but it can be tricky to find decks that don't require a billion packs and expansions. That's why we decided to come up with this extremely basic Core Set+Wolverine only Justice deck.

Why Justice?

Justice may seem like a weird choice for Wolverine, but it's actually one of the strongest aspects with a limited card pool. While Wolverine himself comes with some strong Aggression cards, other packs are necessary to make Aggression really shine, and it competes with Protection for the worst aspect in the Core Set.

Justice on the other hand has access to some of my favourite Justice cards:

  • For Justice! is one of the most versatile and powerful thwarting events in the game, and can thwart a variable rate depending on resources used, which is great for setting up Track by Scent. The Power of Justice is the iconic way to pay for this card, and it's almost never a bad play.
  • Great Responsibility actually has a ton of synergy with Wolverine, and if you can afford to take the damage (which Wolverine can better than anyone) you can get a ton of value out of it. This is, however, more useful in multiplayer or 2-handed than solo, as you can choose to block a thwart after the attack against you has already resolved.
  • Surveillance Team is just plain great. The trickle of thwarting means you can keep multiple threats under control, as well as setting up Track by Scent

With threat (mostly) under control, it allows you to play Wolverine's excessively good hero events. The allies will help you to keep the damage you take under control (treat every block as an opportunity to heal for 2 on your next turn), and the core set has great supports in the form of Avengers Mansion and Helicarrier, which you should set up at your earliest convenience.

Lastly, do not underestimate the power of First Aid. When used on Wolverine, it's like gaining 2 resources, as he can spend his health on his attacks. When used on an ally, you can keep them swinging and blocking for longer.

This is far from our favourite or strongest Wolverine deck, but it's definitely not bad for only having access to the Core set! If you want to read about more of our favourite Wolverine decks that you can build with a few more packs, pop over to the article on our website or check out our Wolverine hero review.