Iron Man Energy Protection

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Pavvo · 2

An Iron Man Energy Protection Build Deck Tech Video here -

Your standard Iron Man with the obligatory Energy/Genius/Strength/Avengers Mansion/ Helicarrier / Nick Fury package.

You are almost always going to defend with Iron Man. Easily readied with Desperate Defense and Arc Reactor, you can use him again to Thwart or ping enemies off with 1 attack.

Your MAIN attack comes from a MASSIVE Repulsor Blastlate game. With the amount of icons in the deck, you're almost always going to hit for 7+ damage.

Luke Cage and Novaare very good allies in any form. The toughness on Luke Cage and the high health on both of them will keep them around to help you block as well as ping away at the villain. Both have icons and Nova makes use of them very well too!

2x The Power of Protectionto play our Protection cards

Desperate Defense and Preemptive Strike are both cards. Using them both together in the same hand,almost always guarantees a no-damage hero that readies and still able to hit back to 1-3 damage.Add Unflappable to the mix and you're drawing a card to replace either one of the 2 above.

Armored Vestprovides that much needed 1 DEF and provides a to power the Rocket Boots

Indomitable allows you to simulate the above combo, but you'll end up taking some damage.

Electrostatic Armor and Energy Barrierserve their purpose 3-fold. Besides being VERY good upgrades, they also have icons and they have the TECH keyword. The ONLY 2 other non-Iron Man card with this in the whole game (not counting those in other hero decks).

You can watch a gameplay video on my channel at