The God-King of Cost-Efficiency (The Correct Way to Bishop)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Bishop protection (ultra resource deck) 0 0 0 1.0
Bishop protection (ULTRA resource deck) 3 1 1 2.0
Resource Heavy Bishop 0 0 0 2.0
Bishop protection (ultra resource deck) 0 0 0 3.0
Energy sink bishop with multiple man 2 2 0 1.0
Basic Bishop - not so basic after all... 0 0 0 1.0
Catch this!!! 0 0 0 1.0
The God-King In Yellow of Cost-Efficiency 14 10 2 1.0
The God-King of Cost-Efficiency (The Correct Way to Bishop) 0 0 0 1.0
'tis but a scratch! 2 2 0 1.0

Levati · 581


Bishop is better the more resource cards you have in your deck, since you get more Bishop's Rifle damage and more healing the more you have, but the more resource cards you have, the greater the risk of getting a hand with only resources, which would be terrible. He has a few tools in his kit to dump resources, with Malcolm, Randall and Super-Charged, but those are very cost-inefficient. What the deck needs is more reliable ways to dump resources. Enter Lockjaw, Starhawk and Nightcrawler.

Once you get those three allies out, most turns, you can play all three of them, depending on how hard the boss slaps, and how many players are in the game. The deck is better the more players you have. Since they enter your hand or the discard pile after the step where you draw your hand, you don't run the risk of them getting shuffled in to the deck, except in niche interaction cases. On their own, they're pretty cost inefficient, but due to the fact that they allow you to max out on resource cards on the deck, the deck as a whole get better by running those three allies and 25 resources, than it would be with fewer resources and other generically good cards.

In a single turn, Bishop can take a slap to the face, defend for an ally, heal back to full health, tank an attack with Lockjaw, tank one with Nightcrawler (which cancels the damage entirely, so even works on nasty overkill things like Fanaticism), shoot something for around 7 damage and thwart 5-ish. That is, if you need that many tanked hits. If not, you can play some events. All in all, the sheer amount of work Bishop puts out per turn with almost no setup is staggering, making him a god-tier hero when played right.

How to play

Hard mulligan for your Rifle, Uniform, Lockjaw, Starhawk and Nightcrawler. If your Rifle or Uniform gets discarded by Energy Absorption, flip into Alter-Ego to get it back using Temporally Displaced. Do not use Energy Conversion until you have at least the suit out, preferably your gun and some allies too. Proceed to get slapped in the face every turn, shoot every turn, heal every turn and burn your resources on events and allies. Get your Super-Charged out and dump extra extra resources into them if need be, but don't fire them off until it's time to end the game unless it's an emergency. Tank for your entire team, dish out lots of damage and thwarting, and be a god.

Justice Variant

Here you can find a Justice version of the deck that is more adapted to lower player counts. Both are absolutely viable and insanely strong in all player counts, but that one is better if you don't need to tank as many villain hits per round.

The maths

I talk a lot about cost-efficiency above, and I thought I should explain more in-depth, for those interested.

When comparing how good cards are, at least cards that do pretty standard things like damage, thwarting, healing, readying yourself and status cards, we look at how cost efficient that card is, that is how much you're getting out of it for what cost; how much bang for your buck. This we measure in [gains]/[cost]. Looking over the game's cards, we can determine the following standard "pricing" for common effects, for Good cards, that is, mostly identity-specific cards, many allies and some niche events: 2 damage costs 1 effective cost, or 0,5 cost per damage. 3 thwart for 2 effective cost, or 0,6666... cost per thwart. 3 healing for 2 effective cost, or 0,6666... cost per point of healing. 2 cost per canceled villain activation (tough, status, confuse, last hit point on allies to tank a hit) 2 cost to ready yourself

The effective cost of a card is the printed cost + 1, since a card is a resource itself. From here on out, I will refer to effective cost as just "cost".

Let's use Concussive Blast as an example. Its cost is 4 (3 printed + itself) and its output is 6 damage, which is worth 3 cost, and readying you, which is worth 2. All in all, you get 5 resources' worth of output for a cost of 4, making this a really good card, above the standard for Good cards.

Lockjaw, by contrast, offers only 2 thwart, worth 1,333... and soaking a hit, worth 2, at the cost of 4 (not 5, because we play him from the discard pile). That's an efficiency of 3,3333.../4 = 0,8333..., which is below average. That is why most good decks don't play him.

But in this deck, a resource card is so valuable in its own right, that anything that lets us spend those resources every turn is cherry on top. See, in this deck, due to Energy Absorption and Bishop's Rifle, a resource card, without even counting what you spend it on, is worth 0,666... for the point of healing + 0,5 for the damage from the rifle + 0,5 card drawn (the probability that a resource card you draw was drawn by Energy Absorption and is thus above your normal hand size. This probability depends on the damage you tank every turn, but in our testing, about half your resource cards came from Energy Absorption.) = 1,666..., which is REALLY good. That's before you even spend it.

But to get full value of them, we needs ways to spend those resources. Malcolm, Randall and Super-Charged help with that, but they're pretty small or limited resource sinks. Lockjaw, Starhawk and Nightcrawler, on the other hand, allow you to spend up to 10 resources per turn. This is why we need them, to fully unlock the promise of the resource cards.

So, in total, the value you get from the 4 resource cards (not counting that some might be double resources) spent on Lockjaw is: 2 card draw worth 2 (because half the resources, on average, were only drawn - by Energy Absorption - because they were resource cards) 2 thwart worth 1,333... 1 tanked hit worth 2 4 healing, worth 2,666... 4 damage, worth 2 Sum = 10, out of 4 cards. That's an efficiency of 2,5 which is absolutely insane. For context, some of the most effective cards in the game are Professor X at 1,5, Exorcism at 1,555... and Iron Fist at 1,8.

Thus, any deck that you can draw and play once, that then lets you spend resources every turn without having to draw and play that card again (which rules out events, allies, etc), will make the deck extremely efficient. That is why this "maximum resources + Lockjaw](/card/05018), Starhawk and Nightcrawler" build is absolutely god-tier, the only one I know next to "Bring it!" Vision.


Mar 31, 2024 mv2392 · 116

Wow! I thpught my deck was heavy with 11 resources! Do you think the deck could benefit from a Plan B or Machine Man?

Mar 31, 2024 Levati · 581

Those were on my list of considerations, but not high enough to make the cut. Machine Man is less efficient than the allies included (0,666... if you use him to thwart 3 times, pumping him to the max every time) and still has to eat a slot in your draw every time he cycles back around. The three allies I chose never do, because they are in play when you ready and draw and only enter the discard pile / hand and get replayed after that, so once you get them out, they never need to be cycled through the deck again. Plan B does stay out indefinitely but only eats 1 resource per turn and is less efficient than the allies above. It is most comparable to Starhawk, who doesn't tank any hits, but doesn't beat him in raw numbers. Might be an option if one wanted to do another aspect though.

Apr 13, 2024 Siddin_Wolfsbane · 1

I usually play with a team of 4 players total. Would you drop anything for Get Behind Me! or just add it in to the 40 cards? We all tend to also use the Symbiote Suit as well if that matters.

Honestly though, I love this deck and even though it's a simple design, it's amazingly fun to play.

Apr 13, 2024 Levati · 581

I'm happy you like it, @Siddin_Wolfsbane! :D If you really want Get Behind Me!, I would just add it on top of the 40, because we really want as many resources as available. Against some villains, you could run Symbiote Suit yeah, depending on how hard the villain slaps and how bad the encounter cards are. I usually don't run Symbiote Suit unless the deck has a near-guaranteed ready per turn or more, but to each their own.

May 02, 2024 Unrat · 42

really good idea to use the resources in this way! never seen taht before. another good card is WHITE FOX. you discard many cards, so she comes into game. maybe change her with NIGHTCRAWLER. I played AVENGERS MANSION also. Using the SYMBIOTE SUIT is a good idea, I will try that.

May 03, 2024 Levati · 581

@Unrat White Fox would be the next card I added, if I wanted 41 cards, yeah. That or Symbiote.

May 09, 2024 FunkyMonkeyMonk · 26

I just played this at Con of Heroes and really enjoyed it. Thanks for posting.

May 09, 2024 wehehe · 228

Nice deck, I've tried it and it solvently crushed Mutagen Formula and Magneto, both in expert mode. I found it that some resources do not provide added value (Defensive Energy, Civic Duty and even The power of Mind, don't have any targets to be anything else than "A resource card providing 1 resource). Also is fun as hell to play.

What would you swap in in the place of any of them (Not all, as the deck clearly is working well with 20+ resources, I'm thinking in replacing, for example, the 3 civic duty). I was thinking in 2/3 copies of Protective Training, to increase the life-time of Randall and Malcolm, or some secondary plans, maybe Superpower Training, to help you fetch faster your rifle and suit, or just your Super-Charged in the late game when you just want to deal the final blow. Both are options that one played, stay out of the deck, so they don't have a huge impact in the probability of drawing resources.

What do you think ?

May 10, 2024 Levati · 581

@wehehe Thank you! Yeah, a couple of the resources don't trigger their special effects. They're still among the most efficient cards you could possibly have in the deck (see math in OP) but I could see bringing Superpower Training because your schtick is not online until you have your suit. Until you have the suit, you're not tanking tons of damage and not getting most of the value out of the resources you have. And, as you say, the card is out of your deck once played. Furthermore, until you have the suit out, chances are much lower that your ability would discard Superpower Training, since you take much less damage then. And as you say, it can always fetch a Super-Charged if you find it later in the game. So yes, I think I would swap one of the useless resources for that. Thanks! :)

May 21, 2024 Pickles · 39

Cool analysis. One thing you don't mention but is implicit is that this is a multiplayer deck. Playing a taunt Bishop build solo I find Nightcrawler is not so useful as you mostly only get attacked once and you want to face tank that one. Lockjaw is finally a star ⭐ after 4 years of disappointment!

May 21, 2024 Levati · 581

@Pickles Thanks! Good point, I'll put a sentence in the description about that. Since you can tank 4 hits per turn once you have your suit, Nightcrawler and Lockjaw, you ideally want 3-4 players to make full use of him. Ofc Lockjaw can thwart a second time and die that way, but that is less efficient. Nightcrawler can't though.

Jul 16, 2024 Dawncaller · 79

I come from the future! FFG has printed even more good resource cards where I am from, so this deck is even better! My playgroup has a lot of free time because Google's Sentinel AI took over, we like to play this deck together with Mr Fantastic, Daredevil and Black Bolt on Heroic 3 wirh Standard XVI.

Aug 06, 2024 Ronoh1221 · 2

Love the deck! I'm running threw Red Skull with two new players so chose those deck to play along side them, cause I thought first glance the deck wouldn't need much thought. I was so wrong! I've only made 1 change and that was to take out starhawk and added multiple man, but that was just to get more chump blocks onto the field to help out. Great Deck!!!!!!!

Aug 19, 2024 XB · 1

Love it. Amazingly efficient. Only loss I got up to now was on turn 1 while playing On the run with Vertigo as a villain. Couldn't kill the minion on turn 1, so she schemed, I drew Advance, end of game :/ Inspired me to make a basic card only variant that I played quite a few times too and isn't bad. Will be my staple Bishop deck.

Aug 22, 2024 Legion_5150 · 1

@Levati is this deck great for both solo and multiplayer and good for beginners and good for any of the villains or certain ones

Aug 22, 2024 Levati · 581

@Legion_5150 It is the most Powerful in multiplayer (where there are a lot of villain attacks to defend against) but it functions just as well with fewer player numbers. It was not designed to fight any specific villain(s).

Aug 22, 2024 Legion_5150 · 1

@Levati great may have to try this out and may add symbiote suit to give him little extra hit point to be little bit more tanky

Aug 22, 2024 Levati · 581

@Legion_5150 That can give you more margin, yes. You might also want to look at the Justice version of the deck that I just published :)

Sep 10, 2024 Deadsy · 1

This is the first deck I tried Bishop with. It has spoiled me for other decks. Honestly, I thought this deck was ridiculous when I was choosing a deck to try on. Your deck has 25 resource cards! I was laughing as I was building it. “I’m not psychic! I can’t fly! But by the time we had knocked down Mysterio to his second level, I was laughing with joy. This deck is a go-cart filled with rocket fuel. I look forward to trying out your other decks. Well played.

Sep 10, 2024 Levati · 581

@Deadsy Thank you so much! This made my day <3

Sep 10, 2024 Siddin_Wolfsbane · 1

@Deadsy Personally I think @Levati even outdid this protection version with his justice version because of Husk. Being able to empty your hand into damage or both damage and thwart every turn is amazing. I honestly haven't found a way to improve on either of them in any way, just some minor personal preferences to increase Bishop's HP.

Sep 10, 2024 FunkyMonkeyMonk · 26

So this has become my default deck for conventions. It's my "one more game" deck. I can just turn my brain off and enjoy the game because it's so familiar. I will say I personally include a copy of endurance because I've found the 3 HP can help from time to time Thanks for putting it out there.

Sep 10, 2024 Levati · 581

@Siddin_Wolfsbane Thank you! :D I was so excited when I saw Husk. This Bishop deck was my favourite deck after Drax, so I was happy to see it get a way to play even more flexibly in fewer-player games!

Sep 10, 2024 Levati · 581

@FunkyMonkeyMonk You're very welcome! ^^ Yeah, it's pretty easy to pilot, so you can just focus on socialising with new people and engaging with the unique mechanics of the fight. Also.... It's strong as heck, so if some of the other players are new, you can carry them ;)

Nov 15, 2024 erikw1984 · 29

I had to swap in some more allies since I don't own the Angel pack yet for the Power of Flight, but man, this deck rocks! It helped me get past Apocalypse in two-handed solo with Magick. Being able to zap the Prelate minions for 5-7 a turn helped so much, and the synergy with Lockjaw is so great!

Nov 15, 2024 wiglaff · 2

This deck is amazing! erased expert Ronan from reality! it's so funny to draw 9 resource card and heal yourself to full when other heroes just died

Nov 18, 2024 Levati · 581

@wiglaff I'm happy you liked it! :D

Nov 18, 2024 Levati · 581

@erikw1984 Yeah, we recently played him in that scenario too. It helps a lot! :)

Nov 26, 2024 Alpo · 100

Have you considered a Pool version of this deck? There are 3 cards that can sink resources onto them.

Nov 26, 2024 Levati · 581

@Alpo Yeah, I did. I prefer having allies to play every turn over having cards that can absorb a couple of resources before discarding themselves, and Protection/Justice (the other version of the deck) have 5 (total copies) Aspect resources, while Pool has 3. But the Pool ones are occasionally triples, which can be nice for Encounter card effects. I think Pool is a closer comparison to the Justice variant than to this one, since that one dumps resources into thwarting/damage rather than tanking.

Dec 27, 2024 roselawn · 8

I had a lucky first hand, getting Starhawk and the Rifle out pretty early, but then made the mistake of playing energy conversion too soon, and made it much harder to get both Lockjaw and my suit. In future plays of this deck I'm gonna have the rule of no Energy Conversion until everything I want is either in play or a Temporal card in my discard pile. There're just too many resources that get shuffled back into the deck.

Dec 27, 2024 Levati · 581

@roselawn Good catch! I was playing that way myself, but I see I didn't put it in the description so I'll add it in there. You really want at a bare minimum the suit before you start shuffling resources back in there.

Dec 27, 2024 roselawn · 8

@Levati I also forgot to mention that this is easily the fastest-assembled deck I've ever played, at least with the way we store our cards :-)

Dec 27, 2024 FunkyMonkeyMonk · 26

Wanted to put this in here because I hadn't thought of it until my partner pointed it out when saving me from a really bad draw. With Jubilee on the board she will put out Shopping Spree and exhaust her alter ego meaning as Bishop you can guarantee have a critical piece of kit first turn. You caan always pay her back later with the

Dec 27, 2024 Levati · 581

@FunkyMonkeyMonk Oh, good tip! Yeah, that just about makes her the best possible partner for him! :D

Jan 06, 2025 fbracht · 83

All right, I need to leave a comment here. @Levati, I hope you know you created an incredible deck. I’ve been playing Marvel Champions on and off for the past 3 years or so, and this deck is veeeeeeery close to being my favorite, after just one play.

I got together with 2 friends this Saturday, and I selected one deck for each. All great decks, with lots of likes and comments. I played yours because I was looking for a Protection deck and had yet to try Bishop myself.

The only reason we didn’t smash through the villain in record time was because we randomly decided to play Magneto, and he has that thing where you need to clear a bunch of side schemes to be able to do more damage to him. So we were throttled by the table’s ability to deal with threat — which wasn’t even bad! But my ability to dish out damage (while tanking damage like crazy!) was just unparalleled.

All three of us were in awe every time I had 10, 15, 18, 20 cards IN MY HAND, and loading them all into Bishop’s Rifle and Super-Charged, or easily healing back to 16 (I eventually got Frontline Specialist for +4) after taking huge hits that would have killed one of them.

Bishop carried that game so hard, against a hard villain, and, again, on a game with Justice Gambit and Aggression Quicksilver, both with very respectable decks! In the end, my friends were something like, “Your deck was so broken, you could have been the villain and would have done a better job than Magneto”.

So we all looked at each other for a moment, then proceeded to have the most giddy, childish, joyous moment I ever had playing this game. Like a bunch of kids in primary school recess, we started making up rules on the spot for how to play a version of the game in which I would take over as the villain and they would team up (everybody with the same board state we ended up with) to try to “finish the job” by taking on me.

It was so fun. (And the only reason I lost was because I agreed with a made-up rule where they could Thwart my Upgrades away as if they were side schemes, so I lost my rifle and uniform in a couple f turns. I may have come up with that rule myself…)


Jan 08, 2025 Levati · 581

Wow, @fbracht, thank you so much for those kind words! <3 I am happy I could bring you such joy! This kind of response is the theorycrafter's dream - this is why we do it ^^ That must have taken some time to write up, so thank you for taking the time just to bring me some happiness - I really needed some this week :)

Jan 09, 2025 fbracht · 83

Consider us even, then! :)

Jan 09, 2025 fbracht · 83

By the way, I have played the deck a couple more times since then (solo, this time), and it’s still great! It’s not a one-trick-pony for multiplayer!

Jan 23, 2025 calderc23 · 127

@Levati Looks like you got the idea for this WAY before I did. What is the math behind resource generators? I have done some googling and haven't really found an answer to that. They are going to be MUCH stronger in multiplayer games as they last longer and thus they have more opportunities to strengthen a Build so measuring them is going to be more imprecise than a thwart or damage card.

Jan 26, 2025 Levati · 581

@calderc23 My approach is in the end the same as other cards: value (what you get out of it) / effective cost, although you have to make some estimates to judge the value. If it generates 1 resource per turn, it gives you one 1 in value per turn. So its total value is equal to the number of turns it will be out. Therefore, we have to estimate how many turns that will be out. Assuming you have one copy of it in the deck and you will prioritise playing it over all else when you do find it, that will be [the average number of rounds the game lasts when playing this deck] minus [half of the number of rounds it will take to go through your deck once]. For most decks, in our local friend group, we tend to win just before we go through the deck a second time. The deck is 40 cards and, assuming you take 2 turns in hero form for every turn in alter-ego, your average hand size will be about 5.666... In that case, it will take about 6 rounds to go though your deck, assuming you tossed most of your first hand in a mulligan. That means on average you get the resource generator out in on average 3 rounds and the game lasts (for us) on average 12-ish rounds. The card will then generate 9-ish resources over its lifespan, so if it cost 3 printed resources to play (effective cost 4 including itself) it would have efficiency of 2.25 which is good. That is, however, assuming you prioritise finding and playing that card over all else. The lower it is on your priority list of upgrades/supports/allies and similar expensive setup pieces to play, and therefore the greater the likelihood that you choose to use it to pay for something else the first time you see it, the smaller its average value.