Big Hand Thor, or, Thor Assesses the Situation

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

waltercardcollector · 28

I made this deck purely as an excuse to get Assess the Situation and To the Rescue! played because I have never played them before. It turns out they were both surprisingly satisfying to use - even though Vivian is better than To the Rescue! in almost every way, haha. The idea behind this deck is that Thor's cards are generally really good but he's hurt by a 5/4 hand size, so it uses Assess the Situation to help you draw more cards while you get set up with things like Avengers Mansion and Asgard.

Tips when playing this deck:

  • On the first round, pick up Mjolnir with your Worthy action, but if possible, don't play it right away; stay in alter ego form, and use Mjolnir as a resource to help bring out other more important upgrades and supports (like the aforementioned Avengers Mansion or Asgard). Next round, you can just pick it up again, then play it and flip to hero form. The extra threat on the main scheme shouldn't matter too much in most scenarios because after you've spend a turn in alter ego form setting up, you can flip and use your allies, Defender of the Nine Realms and (if you get minions) Gatekeeper to help you pretty well with controlling the main scheme.
  • Symbiote Suit is here not only because of the hand size increase and stat buffs but also because more encounter cards means a higher chance of getting a minion during the enemy phase to trigger your "Have at thee!" ability.
  • Once you're all set up, if you draw any spare Assess the Situations, you can use them to draw even more cards and get an insane hand size. I think my record of cards in hand was 9 in hero form with this deck!
  • Don't forget that if Shadow of the Past causes Loki to enter play, you still get to draw 2 cards from your "Have at thee!" ability!