Wasp Team-Up: Lone Leader Stat Surge Strategy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CaptainJin · 282

Many players have the misconception that leadership decks must be played by amassing allies and having them do all the work for you. These players are wrong. This deck proves that you can play the leadership aspect without any additional allies (beyond identity-specific ones) and do all the heavy lifting yourself.

Wasp kicking butt

Note: This deck works well solo but is even stronger in multiplayer, playing with an Ant-Man player to guarantee the ability to play Swarm Tactics.

Card Priority

As always, I handle card priority using the "Four -Ations".


While expensive, these cards are an investment, allowing you to play more cards from the moment they are in play. As such, they need to played early to have value. If you cannot play them by turn 4, skip them.


Wasp's Helmet provides a +1 THW/ATK boost, which will be needed for the wombo combo (more on that later). Down Time will keep you in alter-ego form for less time and Endurance will allow you to stay in hero form longer. This is important because there are no allies to absorb the damage for you (except Ant-Man if there is no Ant-Man player in the game).


Ant-Man only needs to be (and only can be) played if you are not using this deck in a multiplayer team-up with an Ant-Man player. The sole purpose of this card is to allow you to play Swarm Tactics if not enabled by another player.

Paul Judd shrugging it off


Go all Out and Push Ahead allow you to exhaust your character to attack/thwart for a value equal to the sum of all your stats, even if temporarily boosted. Swarm Tactics is an additional means to switch to giant form and also readies your hero. Moxie, Morale Boost and Lead from the Front provide a temporary stat boost, making Go all Out and Push Ahead more effective. At a cost of 2 resources and only a stat boost of +1 ATK and +1 THW for your hero, Lead from the Front should only be played if you have no better temporary stat-boosting options available.

Why no Avengers Assemble!? At a cost of 4 resources, only a total temporary stat boost of +2 for your hero and no allies in play (assuming there is an Ant-Man player), this card is a terrible fit for this deck.

The Wombo Combo

On the ideal turn, when in tiny form, you can:

  1. exhaust R&D Facility and spend a research counter to temporarily gain +1 ATK and +1 THW;
  2. play Moxie to temporarily gain +1 ATK, +1 THW and +1 DEF;
  3. exhaust Helicarrier to play Morale Boost for free to temporarily gain +1 ATK, +1 THW and +1 DEF;
  4. perform a basic attack (with piercing if Red Room Training is in play) for 5 damage;
  5. exhaust Quincarrier to play Swarm Tactics, changing to giant form and readying your hero; and
  6. play Energy for 2, allowing you to play Go all Out for 16 damage.

This equals a total of 19 damage. In a multiplayer game, this damage can be further increased by any additional stat boosts that the other players play on you. For example, with just Combat Training, Armored Vest and Heroic Intuition, your basic attack damage is increased to 6 and the Go all Out damage is increased to 19 for a total of 24 damage. The villain won't know what hit them!

Final Tips

With just one copy in the deck, Swarm Tactics doesn't appear to be a card you can reliably play. However, using the alter-ego ability on Wasp, you can shuffle it back into your deck. The longer the game goes on, the more likely it is that you will draw it, often allowing you to play it on numerous consecutive turns. It is arguably the best team-up scenario in the game.


With no additional allies beyond the one you are forced to take, this deck proves that you can still be an amazing leader without a group to lead. Sidekick? Wasp is clearly the one doing all the work, with Ant-Man tagging along for the ride.

Paul Judd confused


Jul 20, 2024 boomguy · 774

Cool deck!