Perfect SP//dr

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Neokarasu · 179

Perfect SP//dr

Spider-UK can kill a significant amount of the minions in the game when you have 5 Web-Warriors in play and that is achievable with your Hero + 3 Allies + Web of Life and Destiny.

Defensively, we can get to 7 DEF with Armored Vest + Speed-Metal Alloy + Symbiote Suit + Defense Specialist so we should be able to trigger Unflappable and Hard to Ignore regularly.

The deck runs only 2 double resource cards for these reasons:

  1. The majority of the deck costs 1.
  2. With a 3 hand size, you don't usually want to draw multiple double resources other than your opening hand.
  3. You want to get the bonus from Rapid Deployment, Web-Trap, and VEN#m so double resources aren't great for playing them.
  4. It's also not useful for playing Peter. That leaves only 13 cards that the doubles are good for.


  • Mulligan: look for any Interface upgrades and/or Superpower Training and a way to clear it (Professor X/Rapid Deployment).
  • Early Game: setup all your Interface upgrades ASAP and try to find Spider-UK. Discarding him is fine since Across the Spider-Verse can get him back pretty easily. It's okay to tank hits early game while you need to use your THW/ATK to clear any early game stuff thrown at you instead of defending since SP//dr starts with 14 HP.
  • Midgame: after you're set up, the game is all about control. You'll be consistently clearing all main scheme threat and minions so the only thing you have to put extra effort on would be side schemes and damaging the villain. With a full setup, a combination of Limitless Stamina + All Systems Go! can get a lot of things done in a turn.


  • VEN#m is not a Web-Warrior. She's still really good especially with 3/4 counters but just keep that in mind when calculating for Spider-UK's ability.
  • All Systems Go! can net positive resources when you have at least 3 Interface upgrades so always check whether you can afford to play more stuff using it. One thing I didn't realize when I first played the hero is Peni turns into an Interface upgrade when you flip to Hero so don't forget to count that!

Aug 01, 2024 Neokarasu · 179

Weekly Challenge 3 playthrough: