Rogue Soldier Of Fortune

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Castlefrank47 · 681

Change of Fortune is a card that I was really excited for and it does not disappoint. I'm a sucker for beating enemies during their turn and now you can draw cards for it!

Cap is a great target for this type of deck as he gets to find Captain America's Shield turn 1 which provides much needed retaliate and he has access to Shield Block which is just a ridiculous card.

He's also able to ready once per turn by discarding a card and with all the card draw we're doing, discarding a card won't be a problem.

Not only that he has access to 2 Super-Soldier Serum which provide a fist resource. Starting hero phase you can potentially have an 8 card hand with 2 resource generators. This allows you to play his events like Heroic Strike with no problem or pay for our expensive allies.

We're light on allies in this deck but the ones we do have are going to be the 2nd part of our strategy.

Rogue is a really powerful ally and works great with Cap. They had a kid together in the comics at one point so there's also that for thematic reasons. She's our heavy hitter, deal a damage to yourself and she's sitting at 4 Attack/thwart and with Protective Training she can get another ready with Game Time.

Once Rockslide is out we can deal the damage to him and Rogue will have 5 attack. He's another target for protective training and he can stick around for a long time with that boosting him to 9 health.

Jocasta is in here to grab Shield block from discard allowing another use of it. They can also provide some solid thwart.

Agent 13 provides a great threat removal also. When she enters play she can take 2 threat off any scheme and then also provides a solid 2 thwart on top of that

Cell Phone provides some extra thwart or Attack for allies or even Cap. Again great for Rogue to deal big damage or thwart a large chunk.

Med Team provides healing for Rogue or rockslide should they need it.

We also have Indomitable for turns where you have to defend multiple times.

To get some minions out we have "Come Get Me, Bub!" which is another new card that I'm absolutely loving. I like playing it, allow the villain to hit my tough and then defend against the minion to defeat them triggering Change of Fortune.

To actually defeat these minions during the villain phase requires some planning out in some cases. We dont have any defense events to deal damage so we're doing this strictly with retaliate.

For instance if we have Cap out with his Shield and Electrostatic Armor he's going to retaliate 2 damage so for a 3 health minion we would want to attack them with someone during the hero phase to get them down low enough to defeat them during the villain phase. Energy Barrier is another card to deal some damage back as well as prevent 1.

For beefier minions with say 5 health, Rogue can hijack your Attack and deal 4 damage to it leaving it with 1 for the villain phase allowing us to defeat it with caps retaliate.

With Change of Fortune and Unflappable out, we can draw 3 cards for taking no damage from a minion attack and defeating them during the villain stage.

We have 2 copies of change of Fortune since it's the central theme of the deck and normally that's a wasted slot but with caps ability to ready himself by discarding we can get value from that 2nd copy.

This deck has been a ton of fun and really powerful, I'd love to hear any feedback!