Rogue Force

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


Your goal with this deck is to get Rogue and Elixir into play and then to get Protective Training on both of them. With Elixir, X-Mansion, and Game Time, you should be able to keep both of them around and dealing with threat for the whole game.

Between Phoenix and Rogue, you are easily managing 8 threat a turn without affecting your card play. Or managing 5, still leaving Phoenix to defend, plink some damage or exhaust for other effects. You can usually comfortably drop into alter-ego to heal.

Meanwhile, Phoenix is defending and has a host of psionic cards to fuel defense and offense.

Then, when you are ready to go for the kill, use up your power counters, flip to Unleashed and now you are cranking out 8 damage a turn before using cards.

While this is a protection deck, it plays as more of a multi-purpose deck and once you are set-up, frees you up to take the options that present themselves. Mulligan hard to get Rogue and Elixir and then try to keep them both alive as long as possible.

Adding in some First Aid cards to this deck can give you more survivability at the cost of fattening the deck.