Cpt. Marvel ft. Fury Pain Train

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

wushuguy · 19

This is my take on a Captain Marvel/Leadership deck. The goal of this deck, contrary to other Leadership decks, is not to hoard allies, but to cycle through them as quick as possible. The goal of this deck is to utilize your card draw to maximize your potential. A quick breakdown here.

Initial Draw

You are aiming for at least one of your resource cards (preferable Energy Absorption) in addition to either Avengers Mansion, Helicarrier, or Quincarrier. The goal is to get your supports down as soon as possible. With the 6 card hand and Carol Danvers's ability, you should be able to get a good solid support system. My best starting hand was Energy Absorption, Avengers Mansion, Quincarrier, Strength, + 2 other cards. I was able to play both the Mansion and Carrier, which set me up for the future.

Early Game

Depending on who you are partnering with and the enemy you are facing, you will have to decide what to focus on. For minion-heavy opponents, Hawkeye is an amazing card to bring out first. His ability will help make it easier to control your opponents' minions. Using Maria Hill on your turn will benefit your ally, so that's another one to time it well, even if you have to use Make the Call to bring her back. Other than that, build up your minions, upgrade them, and use your event cards to do some damage or thwart.

Ultimate Turn - Nick Fury's Fury!

Hard to pull off but amazing when it happens. You need 2 other allies. Ideally, Rapid Response is already down. You need to pray for a good set of cards for this. Ideally start in Alter-Ego and have your full support system down. 6 Cards + 1 from Carol Danvers + 1 from Avengers Mansion + NET 1 from Alpha Flight Station + 3 Card Draw from Nick Fury.

In this hand, you want at least 2x Get Ready, Nick Fury, Rapid Response (if you don't have it down already), Make the Call, 2x Lead from the Front, 2x Resource or Other Cards.

  1. Play Nick Fury. Draw 3 cards.
  2. Play 2x Lead from the Front
  3. Use Nick Fury to Thwart/Attack, play Get Ready, do the same, play 2nd Get Ready, Thwart/Attack and he dies.
  4. Rapid Response to bring back Nick Fury. Draw 3 more cards.
  5. Repeat steps with Thwart/Attack with Sky Cycle or Inspiring Presence. If he dies and you have available resources, use Make the Call to bring him back again.

By the end of this turn, Nick Fury, himself, can do thwart/attack at least 4 times for a total of 16 attack/thwart. You will end up drawing, at a minimum, 15 cards this turn.


After playing this deck versus the Red Skull campaign on expert with my friend's Black Panther/Justice deck, it works very well in multiplayer as both a support and damage dealer. With the continued cycling of allies, you can use them to defend for friends, yourself, and your built-in card draw functions on both hero and alter-ego are amazing. The only thing you have to watch out for is your health as Captain Marvel is kinda squishy and you don't have extra REC or health with this build so it really depends on ally cycling.