BAMF-ing the Heroes Away From Danger

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Going Down Swinging 8 3 3 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Rey Plays Games · 324

Achtung, Mein Fruend!

Port Your Friends

The premise of this themed deck is Nightcrawler BAMF-ing (i.e Sneak Attack) his allies into the fray, then BAMF-ing them out ( i.e "You Got This!" ) in order to protect them from the villain - only to then take on the enemies himself!

Heavily inspired from the Thor deck created by The Masked Hero, I liked the idea of the combo that Sneak Attack has with the likes of "You Got This!", Last Stand , Save the Day and Go Down Swinging.

Using this combination with Nightcrawler organically had me associate Sneak Attack with Nightcrawler's mutant ability of teleportation - and hence an idea was born!:)

This revised version of the deck aims to address the chances to draw Sneak Attack and/or "You Got This!" alongside an ally in hand.



The number of allies have been reduced from the original version of the deck as I found they dominated the hand and rarely would I see the events in hand alongside an ally. "To Me, My X-Men!" has been included to not only get an ally into play, but to then have that ally in hand at the end of the phase.

All allies have a triggered ability once put into play, to maximise their use if put into play by Sneak Attack or "To Me, My X-Men!".

Beast can give you a resource card; Pixie can grab another card from the discard pile; Cyclops can amp attack for the phase; Professor X can do a variety of things; ;Phoenix can heal and ready allies; Kid Omega can remove threat; and White Queen can remove a tough from the villain if need be.

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

"To Me, My X-Men!" is core to this deck as it allows you to then either prepare yourself for Sneak Attack, or use "You Got This!" and have Nightcrawler BAMF away the ally!

"You Got This!" gives you the versatility to choose which power you need for the given situation. For example - using "You Got This!" you need more attack or thwart for the phase? Choose Professor X to amp Nightcrawler's stats to 5THWT (and this is after the Professor already thwarts for 3THWT and Nightcrawler for 2THWT!) and have Kurt mega-thwart! Or choose Beast to increase Kurt's stats to 3ATK (after Nightcrawler already attacks for 1ATK and Beast for 2ATK).

As previously mentioned, "To Me, My X-Men!" also allows you to put an ally into play, but to also retain that ally into your hand at the end of the phase (as long as they survive). This presents the opportunity to use Sneak Attack (if you draw it) for the next phase, and allow Nightcrawler to BAMF an ally into play to help defeat the enemies!

..And the Rest

Finally, the likes of The X-Jet and Deft Focus have been included to make life easier for Nightcrawler when it comes to paying cards, in particular his hero events. If you get these two out - along with Prehensile Tail, then your Bamf! cards and hero events ( Tally Ho!, Scout Ahead, Teleport Drop and 'Port and Punch) are pretty much paid for without spending any cards.

Specialized Training has also been included because you'll potentially have so much THWT, you don't know what to do with!


Jan 01, 2025 boomguy · 2021

Awesome deck! Hope you’ve been able to finally enjoy Kurt since he arrived down under!

Jan 02, 2025 Rey Plays Games · 324

@boomguy thank you!:) Yeah, he's been one of my recent faves for sure! It's so satisfying putting BAMF in play and to defend without exhausting..!