Flippin' Floes & Foes & Chillin' in School

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AndersGabrielsson · 107

Two of my favorite play styles is building a big resource engine and frequent flipping. This deck uses both of these to enable Iceman to play as many of his cards as possible. In the late game you will often be able to play three or more cards per turn, and not just the cheap ones.

There are two key interactions you need to keep in mind to play this deck. The first is that Frostbitete only gets set aside when the target activates or is leaves play, and both status cards and Frozen Solid prevent activations.

The second is that status cards trigger before Frozen Solid, so if the villain is both confused and Frozen Solid and try to scheme, confusion triggers first which leaves Frozen Solid in place.

Once you have that down, running the deck is fairly straight forward. In the early game, you want to try to get at least one resource generator or card draw card into play on each turn. It's fine to start with the cheap ones - Deft Focus will help with most of your identity specific cards, including Cryokinetic Perception. Team-Building Exercise works on nearly all your cards, including your allies, The X-Jet, and X-Mansion.

You should usually be fairly safe from taking too much damage, which means you can use X-Mansion to keep your allies around for longer when you flip down. Storm is the ideal target, but Dazzler can do a lot of work too.

Ideally, you should have two or more Frostbites out when you flip down, and frequently you will have more. (I have run out of Frostbite cards to add to enemies several times while playing this deck.) Together with Mutant Education this gives you the strongest recursion engine in the game, which in turn makes Cryokinetic Perception hit more frequently for more activations and even more Frostbite.

This build is suitable for a solo game against a villain who isn't (always) stalwart.

In a multiplayer game you will fill a flex slot. You will probably want to switch out Clear the Area for heavier thwarts.

Against stalwarts, you'll want to trade out Dazzler and Sonic Rifle. Professor X is still useful as he can ready you, which helps you get more Frostbites out there.

You can also switch in some side schemes like Build Support, which can make X-Bunker useful. X-Gene is a bit too marginal early on and doesn't add much later on, but if you want to run with a lower cost curve it's a possible option.

It's also possible to leave out the more expensive supports and allies along with The Power in All of Us and go for a few more cheap allies and/or thwart cards.

Whatever way you build this deck, you'll have to be a bit defensive early on but not as much as you would think, and in the late game you will be an absolute power house.