Battle Mage

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Battle Mage 0 0 0 1.0

Daring Lime · 3327

Gameplay Videos

In the Mad Titan's Shadow Campaign videos, you can see the different iterations the deck went through and how I play it against a variety of different villains.

My Plays Community Plays

Adam was the first hero I put effort into deck building for. He is one of my favorite characters in the comics, and I've always loved playing him. I know there is a lot of frustration around him though. I specifically aimed to cover his weaknesses, exemplify his strengths, and create an easy to play and powerful deck that you can take up against any villain in the game! Hopefully this deck will help people that didn't like Adam Warlock to enjoy him.

How To Play Adam Warlock

I don't normally give full guides for heroes in my write ups, but this time I think it will be useful. Adam is a complicated hero that can be difficult to play if you're new to him, or if he just doesn't click with your playstyle.

These are the main things that Adam Warlock wants to do:

  1. Trigger Battle Mage - Discard an aspect card to trigger an effect.
  2. Discard Cards - Karmic Blast and Cosmic Awareness both benefit from discarding aspect cards.
  3. Heal With Soul World - When you go to alter-ego you can heal to full health with Soul World.
  4. Summon Allies with Summoning Spell - Helps you reset your deck and get strong allies into play for cheap!
  5. Control The Villain - Cosmic Ward and allies can keep the board state under control.

He also has a bunch of important upgrades that maximize his potential.

  • Karmic Staff - 2 Cost wild resource generator.
  • Mystic Senses - Allows you to draw cards after triggering Battle Mage. Having both copies out is critical to reaching full power.
  • Warlock's Cape - Allows you to ready after triggering Battle Mage.
  • Soul World - Add a counter when your deck resets. Remove the counter and exhaust Soul World in alter ego to heal to full health.

DO NOT SKIP HIS UPGRADES. If you ever have the chance to play Mystic Senses, Soul World, or Karmic Staff then do it. The only exception is if playing the upgrade instead of another card will cause you to lose the game in the next turn or two, and Warlock's Cape is nice, but not entirely necessary. If you are ever unfortunate enough to discard an upgrade, you can use Quantum Magic to bring it back to your hand. Once your upgrades are out, use Quantum Magic to search for whatever card best suits the situation you're in. My favorite is Cosmic Ward. I love being able to cancel treacheries with a 1 cost upgrade. It's also a great default choice if you aren't sure. Once you're set up, make sure to trigger battle mage every turn, and do it early on in the turn. You don't want to do it at the end of the turn because you want to see all your options before committing your resources. On the second deck pass (which is sooner than most heroes) you'll be cancelling a ton of encounter cards, playing incredibly strong allies for cheap, drawing a bunch of cards, and having a lot of fun!

There's A Problem

It can take a long time to get all the upgrades. He needs to play 4 upgrades (5 if you also want the staff, and 6 when you include The Sorcerer Supreme). Most of your losses will be early on before you get the setup. Also he has to discard so many cards to be at full strength. Sometimes when you play Summoning Spell or Cosmic Awareness, you discard your important upgrades! He can feel very weak if things go wrong. This is frustrating, and is the main reason why people don't like him (at least from what I've seen).

Let's list out his weaknesses explicitly:

  1. Slow to set up and reach full strength.
  2. Wants to play upgrades, but also wants to discard cards.
  3. Discarding cards gets you more encounter cards.
  4. Needs to deck out and go to alter-ego to heal with Soul World.
  5. Karmic Blast and Cosmic Awareness can both whiff if you don't get enough aspect cards.
  6. If you don't have an aspect card in hand, then you can't trigger battle mage and will lose out on a ready, an effect, and 2 card draw.

If Adam Warlock is going to be fun to play and feel good, then we need to address all of these weaknesses with the deck build. Fortunately, my favorite ability of his allows us to do that! Avatar of Life allows you to include cards from any aspect! This gives us a ton of tools. Avatar of Life isn't optional though. It is required, and you can only include 1 copy of each card (The one card part could be considered a 7th weakness), and you must include an equal number of cards from each aspect.

Deck Build

To mitigate his weaknesses I created a list of goals for my deck:

  1. Maximize the number of aspect cards - Helps with weaknesses 5 and 6.
  2. Have a 40 card deck - Helps with weaknesses 1 and 2.
  3. Include many allies - Helps with weakness 1, 2, and 3 by causing you to discard less cards before finding an ally, reducing the odds of discarding an important upgrade and reducing the number of encounter cards you get (you only need to discard enough cards to have 1 soul counter at a time).
  4. Card draw to set up faster - Helps with weaknesses 1.
  5. Safely go to alter ego to utilize Soul World.
  6. Play at high tempo.

And in addition to these goals, include a variety of synergies and effects that will allow you to take on any villain and handle a variety of circumstances.


This is the hardest thing to solve with Adam Warlock, and in my opinion, this deck achieves it. There are 7 double resources in the deck. I made sure that there are many targets for every Power Of, and the basic doubles. Because there are so many targets, you'll be able to utilize them frequently in your plays, and worst case scenario, use them for Battle Mage. Having access to this many double resources and including exceptional cards from every aspect allows you to play at high tempo from turn 1. Your economy gets better once Karmic Staff and Mystic Senses are out, but it is already higher than most heroes in the game from turn 1 due to the double resources. Also, because you can safely play Summoning Spell before seeing your upgrades due to how many allies are in the deck you can have extremely powerful early game turns, and even loop Summoning Spell with Quantum Magic on the first deck pass to get 4 cost allies.

Reasons For The Cards I Chose:

I put a lot of thought into every card. The deck is currently on version 25. I'll include my reasoning for every card so that you know their uses and combos, and also so that you can decide what cards you want to swap.



  • Full-Body Charge: Adam Warlock can easily afford this card, and it helps him have a reliable damage source for ending games. Also, since you can take a hit and heal to full, it isn't hard to get the overkill bonus to help deal with beefy minions efficiently.
  • Wolverine: Piercing through toughs and healing every turn is valuable. Wolverine combos especially well with the Protection Battle Mage to heal him up and allow him to attack every turn.
  • Thor: If you are swarmed by beefy minions, you can spend the energy resource with Karmic Staff to resolve his attack against all of them. This is game changing in a pinch, and even if there aren't a bunch of minions, he can block 2 attacks because of the tough status card and attack for 3.
  • Psylocke: She is debatably the best aggression ally in the game for non stalwart and steady villains. She let's you store confuse status cards so that you can safely go to alter-ego and utilize Soul World.
  • The Power of Aggression: There are 4 powerful targets.



  • Summoning Spell: One of the strongest cards in the game, and essentially cheats in expensive allies.
  • Falcon: His enter play effect triggers off of Summoning Spell and can remove threat and give you knowledge of the encounter deck which is strong in high difficulty scenarios.
  • Beast: His enter play effect with Summoning Spell is incredibly high tempo.
  • Vision: Extremely versatile with having the option to thwart 3 or attack for 4, and Karmic Staff meets the resource requirement.
  • The Power of Leadership: There are 4 powerful targets.


  • Iron Fist: High damage and a stun lock. Incredibly powerful and one of my favorite cards in the game.
  • Luke Cage: He can block sometimes 3 attacks because of high hp and the tough status card. He is a great stat stick for dealing damage as well.
  • Rockslide: Fills a similar role to Luke Cage, but in a different way. 6 hp with retaliate is great for minions and even villain attacks. Having 3 ATK helps to control the board state, and you can get an extra activation out of him by healing with Battle Mage
  • Shield Spell: Can block an attack no matter how much damage it is (as long as you have enough cards on top of your deck). It is great for hard hitting villains like Ronan and Juggernaut. It can be tricky to use though.
  • The Power of Protection: There are 3 powerful targets.

This list has worked exceptionally well for me. I stand behind all of these cards being great picks. They aren't the only options though. If you don't have some of the cards, don't like some of the cards, or think there are better options I encourage you to tweak the list! I purposefully kept this deck as general as possible. It can defeat any scenario in the game on expert, but when suitable I suggest tailoring it for the villain if you want to. For example, against Ronan it would be good to swap Wolverine for Sunfire so that you can discard the Universal Weapon and status lock him. Or against Thanos, you could remove Iron Fist and Psylocke. I didn't do that for the gameplay videos I linked though because I wanted this deck to work for any scenario and be powerful and easy to play on all difficulties. I highly suggest tailoring the deck for the specific scenario you're facing if that's something you enjoy, but this list is tried and true and it won't let you down.

Community Suggestions

I want to use this section to highlight suggestions that I think are good from community members. Feel free to swap out any cards you want with this list! One of the fun things about Adam Warlock is you can make just a couple swaps to make the deck fit your play style better, work better for a specific villain, or be more thematic, without needing to change the entire identity of the deck. Note: if there aren't "" marks it's not a quote from the person, it's just me saying why it makes sense for the deck based on their suggestion. The -name is to show who mentioned the card to me.

  • Symbiote Suit --> The extra hp can make soul world heal you for 20! A very fun card that Adam can use better than most other heroes. - @Goatzilla MarvelCDB

  • Rapid Response <--> Vision or Falcon. This card fits into the deck well because you can bring your powerful and expensive allies back into play, also Agent Coulson can search it. - shanepheeny YT

  • "Welcome Aboard" <--> The Power of Leadership or an ally. Since there are so many expensive allies in the deck you can use this to play them from hand, including allies from other aspects. - @SortofBoard MarvelCDB

  • Magic Attack/Zone of Silence --> These cards still work great for Adam, are on theme, and fun to use. Swap them in for whatever cards you want if you're looking to have a more mystic feel and discard even more cards. - @YourFriendlyNeighbor MarvelCDB and Excellent_Playtypus_4 Reddit

Community Gameplay Videos:

I want to highlight people other than me playing the deck. If you have a video of you trying it, let me know and I'll link it at the top in the Community Plays column.

Edits To The Deck

I hope you try this deck and have a great time playing it. I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments. If this deck allows you to enjoy Adam Warlock when you otherwise didn't please let me know! That would make my day. Happy gaming!

Stay Zesty :)


Jan 08, 2025 MaNemJeff · 31

This deck seems like a blast to play! I haven't had the chance to try out Adam Warlock yet, but after seeing this build, I'm definitely going to use your deck for my first game. Thanks for all the awesome content and deck ideas you share with everyone!

Jan 08, 2025 Daring Lime · 3327

@MaNemJeff Thank you! Let me know how it goes, and if you stream it I'll make sure to tune in!

Jan 09, 2025 Goatzilla · 268

Great write up. He's an amazing hero with such potential. I love that you kept upgrades and supports to a minimum, which helps keep lots of aspect cards in the deck for his ability.

There's a sweet combo with Adam that would fit this deck perfectly: adding Symbiote Suit boosts you hp by 10, which makes you tank hits and keep those awesome, and expensive, allies. Soul World heals ALL of your HP, and Cosmic Ward helps deal with the extra encounter card. It makes the deck 41 cards, but worth it!

Jan 09, 2025 Daring Lime · 3327

@Goatzilla I considered doing that. The combo you mention is really cool and I like it a lot. The reason I decided against it was because he already has so many upgrades he needs to play on the first deck pass that adding in another one that's 4 cost is a lot to ask in high pressure scenarios. I think Symbiote Suit is incredibly strong, but if I'm playing it on the first deck pass then I'm slowing down my setup of my Adam Warlock upgrades, and then I'm not ready to deal with the extra encounter cards. I think it makes sense playing it on the second deck pass once he is set up and ready to cancel the extra encounter card with Cosmic Ward. And going to 41 cards I don't think will hurt the deck. I normally feel that on the second deck pass I don't need any extra strength to beat scenarios, so you can kind of just choose what way you want to defeat the villain lol. The combo of taking a big hit and healing back almost 20 hp sounds like a really fun way of getting that done! If you try it out let me know how it goes! :)

Jan 10, 2025 YourFriendlyNeighbor · 8

@Daring Lime I actually have been playing Adam a lot, idk why but I liked him after trying to make a voltron Iron Man deck (I lost to rhino) when I realized that he was not just the cheap character you use when you want to include 2 cards of different aspects that combo really well in solo, when I saw the deck I was a bit sad that you didn't use Magic Attack and Zone of Silence but I think you did include the best choices for Summoning Spell and that's where Adam shines since he can just include every ally that you think it's op with no penalty (since most allies are unique they are not affected by his deckbuilding restriction) I sometimes have problems with setup but he can just reset his deck so fast that I get them again, I personally do not like Cosmic Ward because it is forced, the only upsides are that it works in AE and that it doesn't require you to pay in the villain phase so you start your turn with a full hand, but Protective Ward is much more flexible in my opinion, I once lost a game because Cosmic ward canceled a tough but I got and advance right next to it (expert Ronan)

Jan 10, 2025 Daring Lime · 3327

I was sad too when I cut those cards from the original version. Magic Attack and Zone of Silence both cause you to discard a significant portion of your deck and get you much closer to an encounter card. I'm already discarding a lot of cards with Karmic Blast and Cosmic Awareness so I decided not to include them. I didn't find myself lacking for damage or thwart when I did that. I do love those cards though, and sometimes I'll play the deck with them in it because it's fun and on theme, but I don't think it is stronger to have them over another ally, Under Surveillance, or Full Body Charge for instance. Like you mentioned, it's just so strong getting those allies with summoning spell, and you can loop it with Quantum Magic. I think the difference between Protective Ward and Cosmic Ward is really interesting. That situation you brought up is so unfortunate lol. That encounter card Ronan has is perfect for messing up summoning spell. Protective Ward you can hold in your hand which can be nice to save for what you want. Holding on to it can be rough though if you're losing out on multiple resources, and that it can't work in AE like you mentioned. I prefer Cosmic Ward, but I Protective Ward has it's own strengths. I think it is really well designed that two cards that have essentially the same effect can play so different, and have situations where one is better than the other. Thank you for saying I grabbed the best allies :) I really like the ones I added. Thor was a late edition that gets me out of a lot of tough spots!

Jan 10, 2025 YourFriendlyNeighbor · 8

@Daring Lime it is a bit unfortunate when you get Pip the Troll instead of one of the big allies, but we all know the oldest trick in the box is Nick Fury with make the call and summoning spell is even more powerful than that, Rockslide was an ally I was worried about, but he is practically a Magnetic Bubble that I get for 3 er if I happen to draw him with the spell, and the other allies are just good in many different situations with the statuses

Jan 10, 2025 JWalton77 · 1304

This looks great! I’m a big fan of Adam but haven’t played him in a little while. Hope to try this soon!

Jan 10, 2025 SortofBoard · 82

Played this one yesterday and it worked like a charm. Faced off against Unus and got lucky on one part when I let myself get down to 1 HP from a double villain attack turn, but Soul World negated that. This definitely one of the most efficient feeling Adam Warlock decks I’ve played.

Do you have any thoughts about making room for "Welcome Aboard"? I’m not sure if it’s worth it as it really just saves you 1 resource. But I feel like there might be room for it vs taking Vision or Power of Leadership. It does provide a little more versatility in how you spend it because to me it feels like another double wild resource even if it’s not exactly equivalent.

Jan 10, 2025 Daring Lime · 3327

@YourFriendlyNeighbor Ya getting Pip off summoning spell isn't the best. When I played Ronan though I was happy to see Pip. The tough status card against that match up specifically was better than a lot of the other allies would have been. In basically every other scenario though, I'd much rather see one of the other allies. I like the comparison you made between Magnetic Bubble and Rockslide. They are very similar! Rockslide has been a lot of fun for me. I like how beefy he is, and having 3 ATK is great for dealing with minions, and final pushes.

@JWalton77 Let me know how it goes once you try it!

@SortofBoard That's nice to hear that your game went well and you liked the deck! "Welcome Aboard" I think would be a fine addition. The only downside is that you can't use Power of Leadership for Summoning Spell if that's the one you choose to swap, but it let's you play more allies from your hand, and will work for the allies in other aspects as well. I think swapping Vision, Falcon, or Power of Leadership for it could be work out. Another suggestion that someone made to me on youtube was really good. You could try swapping out Power of Leadership for Welcome Aboard, and also swap Vision for Rapid Response. Rapid Response works really well in this deck because Agent Coulson can search it. I'm going to create a section at the bottom of this deck of community suggestions so that people can swap around some cards.

Jan 10, 2025 YourFriendlyNeighbor · 8

@Daring Lime I always like some good defense so he is never wasted, on the topic of changing some cards around, I actually like the welcome aboard idea because I almost never play the allies, Falcon brings some unique value and one time I got him with the spell, and was able to remove 3 threat, and plan for the villain phase, but so far vision has not been useful, and this deck needs all the resources it can get so using one for the ability each turn is not great, with welcome aboard you just have even more options to play the allies for cheap, because I find myself using them more for battle mage than as allies

Jan 10, 2025 Daring Lime · 3327

@YourFriendlyNeighbor That's interesting to hear your experience with that. Vision felt useful for me. I use the staff to pay for his resource, and I like the ability to attack for 4 or thwart for 3 depending on what I need. He basically clears a whole side scheme or can take out a minion. I never felt short on resources really when I was playing. But even though I like vision, I do think switching him for "Welcome Aboard" would be a great idea and smooth out the process of playing allies from hand a bit more.

Jan 10, 2025 YourFriendlyNeighbor · 8

@Daring Lime I tried the Coulson rapid response combo and it was the most incredible experience of my life, this is nerfed be overkill but overall the final touch the deck needed for me, I lost a bunch of games due to the relatively low health Adam has, but with that combo, I ended up having more resources to focus on my table, I playde some games against Thanos for theme and for the first time I actually won, I also added Spycraft to get some of that control from Protective Ward but without using resources in the villain phase and that with Cosmic Ward did the trick

Jan 10, 2025 Daring Lime · 3327

@YourFriendlyNeighbor That's awesome! I'm glad that combo worked for you and that you won some games. That's super cool that you got your first win against Thanos! Spycraft does work quite well. Depending on the scenario I think it's worth swapping for Counterintelligence.

Jan 10, 2025 YourFriendlyNeighbor · 8

@Daring Lime I never played Counterintelligence, it is a great card, but only having one copy, already having Under Surveillance, and not really giving a huge benefit since I flip like 1 or 2 times max in long games, it was unreasonable, Spycraft costs 1 less, can save you from both threat and damage, in harder scenarios like Ronan it can completely counter Fanaticism, or even discard Universal Weapon (not the most efficient use, but nice to keep Ronan stunned), it does kind of the same but is useful for advances or assaults alike, Counterintelligence is not trait locked and can be used in alter-ego, but I normally prefer having 2 or 3 copies, having a cost of 2 I often use it as a resource to pay for other things like my main events, the summoning spell, or setup cards, cost 1 only competes with Cosmic Ward and they compliment each other so it's easier to play, and with coulson staying the whole game with you it's very easy to play

Jan 10, 2025 Daring Lime · 3327

I see where you're coming from about preferring Spycraft over Counterintelligence. I view it a bit different though. Partly because I don't enjoy swapping encounter cards. It just isn't fun to me paying resources to get a different random bad card. In the example you gave of using it on Universal Weapon and Fanaticism that makes a lot of sense though, and Spycraft provides safety against those rough cards. I still don't have fun doing it though. The other thing is that I usually use the Power of cards to determine what I actually play in a turn. And when I have the Power of Justice, it is the same price as Spycraft essentially, in the sense that in both cases it's one discard. Using Spycraft to cancel advance is game saving, and that's good, but I would rather use Counterintelligence in that situation. Advance can end a game, but if you swap it with Spycraft you just get a different random encounter card that could also be game ending. For instance, if you get anything that surges, that is bad, and there are other cards that can cause the villain to activate so it doesn't even guarantee that you won't lose to the villain scheme. Worst case scenario you get a card like Fanaticism after switching the Advance.

Taking all that into account, I feel that Counterintelligence provides me a lot of safety to go to alter-ego and use soul world. It works on the villain's normal scheme, or an advance. Spycraft only works on the advance, so in my opinion, Counterintelligence is better for that.

You mentioned you don't think it's necessary though, which is true if you are winning really easy, but at that point it doesn't matter that much anyways lol. try to get Under Surveillance onto the main scheme as soon as I can, but I'm not always able to do that, so Counterintelligence does a good job as both a backup for Under Surveillance, and it gives me more leeway to go to alter-ego. I do also sometimes use Counterintelligence to just go to alter-ego and avoid getting attacked by the villain and minions if I have to to save hp.

This was a longer response than I was anticipating. So in summary, I have more fun playing Counterintelligence, and I think they fill different roles. Counterintelligence is better at going to alter-ego, which I like to do, and Spycraft is good for cancelling game ending encounter cards like Advanced Glider and Fanaticism. To me, they just fill different roles, and I completely support swapping them depending on the villain and the players preference.

Jan 11, 2025 YourFriendlyNeighbor · 8

It's really tricky, maybe in easier scenarios Counterintelligence is better because you don't want to cancel most cards, and in extreme cases where you get a really bad effect plus a surge, Spycraft is better because you completely canceled that effect and you were getting a second encounter anyway, so it is a positive trade, but both match up in the middle for me in A tier scenarios, is just that I usually don't want to flip at all with Adam, he has no reason other than healing, and to get the most out of The Sorcerer Supreme I defend with a bunch of allies, so canceling an attack, or, for example, an spell from Ebony Maw (which has surge anyway) can be more useful, I was thinking of adding Basic Spell to get at least 1 option of hero form healing for the same reasons, but I'd have to take out one basic card, 4 aspect cards, or just go over 40 (which doesn't really matter since Adam decks out so fast that he is one of the few heroes I consider can make a 50 card deck work, even better if in end game since you get less encounters)

Jan 11, 2025 Daring Lime · 3327

@YourFriendlyNeighbor I really enjoy 50 card Adam Warlock decks on the second deck pass. If he wasn't as reliant on Mystic Senses as he is, I probably would play a 50 card deck for him. It would make Magic Attack and Zone of Silence better as well. It would fix the annoying thing with Shield Spell spell that sometimes happens where you don't have enough cards on top of the deck to use it.

Jan 11, 2025 YourFriendlyNeighbor · 8

@Daring Lime interesting, I think this problem can be solved in two ways, you could include super Superpower Training to get a "3rd" copy of Mystic senses, and with 3 targets Quantum Magic can help you get at least one in the table, I normally can't get both out on the first deck pass, but I think that would mitigate the problem, and is still useful for the Karmic Staff and Warlock's Cape, I think one multiplayer combo you will like is Cable, since he can straight up start the game with superpower training, he can give you Mystic senses turn one, and that also allows him to get his Plasma Rifle, this also gives you a second target for battle mage leadership that is actually worth it (since Cable can ready)

Jan 11, 2025 SortofBoard · 82

I recorded a game I played trying out your deck. It worked wonderfully. It was one of the quicker games I've played and a lot of fun.

Jan 11, 2025 Daring Lime · 3327

@YourFriendlyNeighbor Ya Cable is so good at accelerating setup heroes. Superpower Training is an interesting addition. In all the plays I did though, I got both mystic senses out on the first deck pass. I think there was only 1 play where I missed any upgrades at all on the first deck pass (except for the cape. I don't view the cape as necessary).

Jan 11, 2025 Daring Lime · 3327

@SortofBoard Thanks for playing the deck! I'll link it into the deck write up and make a community post on my channel :)

Jan 11, 2025 YourFriendlyNeighbor · 8

@Daring Lime I guess is just to make it faster for a 50 card deck, bc rn it's an unspoken rule that every efficient deck must have only 40 cards, but I think Adam can make a 45 or 50 card deck work wonderfully, I wish the cape gave you the aerial trait too, now I can't stop thinking how adam in the game is just walking around, that would let him use all the aerial events too, but just a ready is like 1 extra thwart or damage...

Jan 11, 2025 Daring Lime · 3327

@YourFriendlyNeighbor I wish the cape gave aerial too. He definitely flies in the comics lol. I think in general smaller deck sizes are better, but in specific situations I will go above 40 and I think it's actually better. I think you're right that Adam is a good candidate to go against grain with a >40 card deck.

Jan 12, 2025 josseroo · 751

Thanks for the thorough analysis in your write-up. Love me some Adam Warlock (hero and ally)

Jan 12, 2025 Daring Lime · 3327

@josseroo no problem :)

Jan 15, 2025 Dansome · 7

I love Adam Warlock, especially with 2 of my favorite allies (Psylocke and Iron Fist). Your deck looks really fun.

It seems that Spiritual Meditation is a no brainer to include with the only downside being that it's not exactly that sweet 40 cards (granted, adding it effectively makes your deck 39 cards). What do you think?

Jan 15, 2025 Daring Lime · 3327

@Dansome If you add Spiritual Meditation to the deck I don't think that's wrong. It allows you to procure your hand, and in the best cases find Mystic Senses or a double.

I wouldn't say there's no downside though. Specifically with Adam, you want to count the number of aspect cards in your hand when you discard, so I wanted to make sure I had good odds at getting the extra thwart and damage out of Karmic Blast and Cosmic Awareness. Adding in Spiritual Meditation only makes that slightly worse. But also adding in only 1 copy of Spiritual Meditation only makes it slightly better. The way I see it is if I add it in, if it's in my hand then I could have drawn something else. So when I draw 2 then discard 1, I'm only really getting to see 1 extra card than I otherwise would have if I didn't have it my deck (which is consistent with how you described it as well)

It comes down to what you value more. Slightly better identity specific events, or getting to procure your hand by effectively using draw 1 discard 1 once per deck pass. I chose to have the better events, but really the benefits of either are so small in my opinion that it's really just preference.