The Fast and the Fury-Us

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AbisMal · 219

The Fast and the Fury-Us: This deck is fast-paced, with Fury as the engine that drives it, but at the same time, it's all about us: Spidey and his friends taking down villains together!

2-Deck Comparison Video: This deck and Web-Warrior Fanatic's "Weaving Threads" (also a Leadership Spider-Man deck) were both play-tested and then were compared in this video if you'd like to see a side-by-side: 2-Deck Comparison vs Magneto | Featuring Web Warrior Fanatic's Spider-Man Leadership Deck

VILLAINS TESTED AGAINST: Klaw (1 game in standard; 1 in expert) and Magneto (1 game in standard/3 games in expert).

Results: undefeated (completely dominated Magneto in 3 of the 4 games -- still in control, though, on the other game)


Leadership Skill Is the Unsung Hero: Constantly allowing allies to get that 1 extra thwart to defeat a side scheme or 1 extra damage to defeat a minion (and to be able to do both in the same round due to having multiple allies in play) is very powerful. Cost-efficiency-wise, this card can be thought of as either a 1-cost card for 3 damage or for 3 threat removal, with the flexibility to do any combination of the two. This is especially effective in a deck that is constantly barraging the enemy with allies.

Recursion of Nick Fury Drives the Engine: I regularly put Nick Fury into play at least 7 times a game against Magneto (that’s drawing 21 extra cards from him alone). Sources of recursion in this deck include 3 events (Make the Call), 2 supports (Regroup), 1 Player Side Scheme (Call for Backup) and 1 upgrade (Rapid Response), which was typically used by Nick Fury when he defended. The latter act made him available to defend again (a definite possibility against Magneto) or to draw into a Make the Call to allow him to be played again the next hero turn. Once, Nick Fury defended against Magneto on Spider-Man's own turn, which then allowed for another draw of 3 cards.

Note that Regroup sets up an enlarged hand size the next hero turn, adding 1 (or sometimes 2) extra allies to the hand, plus the 1 (or sometimes 2) extra cards due to Spider-Man's hero ability, Spider-Sense.

Additional Ally Draw Power Provides Insurance for the Engine: The card draw from White Tiger, Maria Hill, and Moon Girl insures that Nick Fury will see play relatively quickly, turning the key to get the engine started. In addition, the constant card draw gives plenty of opportunity to draw into Swinging Web Kick and wallop the villain for 8 damage. Note that Regroup helps here as well to allow White Tiger and Moon Girl to be played from hand again since their card draw abilities are only triggered when those allies are played from hand.

Resource Generators Grease the Wheels: Clarity of Purpose can mostly be freely used because Spider-Man's Aunt May can heal him completely when he goes to Alter-Ego form, in addition to the consistent presence of at least 2 allies to defend him, plus Spider-Man's own 3 defense. Quincarrier, Ingenuity, and Spider-Man's Web-Shooters round out the list of resource generators, with the Web-Shooters often making multiple appearances due to the constant card draw.

Team Training Adds Cruise Control: Because Nick Fury is easily the most commonly used ally for defending, Team Training gives most other allies an important extra activation for threat and minion control and often is what puts the game into cruise control. The Player Side Scheme Build Support ensures that Team Training or Quincarrier make it into play, whichever is needed and not yet in on the board.

As an example, depending on whether or not Leadership Skill is in play, Maria Hill can now thwart for 4 to 6 due to getting 2 activations. Similar results apply for the other 2-HP allies, White Tiger and Kid Omega, while even a 1-cost version of Ant-Man can now attack or thwart and then be used to defend (thank you for the suggestion from Solo Marvel Champion ( for this comment on my Leadership Wasp deck).

The additional increase in HP also allows M to defeat up to a 4-HP enemy, plus have 5 HP worth of thwart and attack activations. Also, one game, I had Black Cat out on turn 1, plinking off every tough on Magneto, despite her being damaged by Metal Shards twice.

If you're a fan of card draw, then this deck does so while providing optimum threat and minion control with Spider-Man's friends, allowing Spider-Man himself to reliably kick the villain in the face with his Swinging Web Kick, sometimes twice in one turn, defeating the villains Fast and making them Fury-Us. :-)


Jan 11, 2025 boomguy · 2632

Love the write up. Clear and easy to follow, great for anyone wanting to try this out!

Jan 11, 2025 AbisMal · 219

@boomguy Thanks!!