Solo Champions League - Season 3, Round 3

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Genosha Games · 55

This deck was designed for Round 3 in Season 3 of the Solo Champions League weekly challenge series.

You can see it in action here:

Ms. Marvel is a very fun and unique hero to play and she matches really well with aggression. Her ability to recur event cards once per round is just fantastic.

The core concept of this deck is applying a stun lock with Drop Kick. Recur the card back again to apply it every round. You'll take no damage from the villain and you'll get a bonus card in hand.

Biokinetic Polymer Suit, Martial Prowess, and Helicarrier will make sure you can play it for free too. Try to combine it with a Press the Advantage for extra card draw.

Embiggen! will add even more damage value to already great cards like Big Hands and Piercing Strike, effectively making them do 6 and 5 damage. Your stun lock with Drop Kick will now do 6 damage, on par with Big Hands, and Press the Advantage will do 4 damage.

Threat removal is always a problem in aggression. Brawn is a legend for thwarting in solo. He's basically the Beat Cop in red. We can also rely on Sneak By, but the best thing to do is just stay in hero form as long as possible since this weekly challenge is a sprint, not a marathon.

If you want to focus more on defense than applying the stun lock, recur your Wiggle Room every round instead. You'll have a 6 card hand in hero form every turn.

First Aid is here mainly for Brawn, so he can continue being a boss, but you can also use it to keep Ms. Marvel topped up too. Endurance will keep her in hero form a bit longer as well.

The other allies are just for blockers or some extra duty with threat removal or damage. They aren't super important, so don't focus on them too much. With the stun lock in place, you won't even need them. You could easily swap out 3 of them for 3 copies of Haymaker with Embiggen! for 5 damage each.

Just remember, the recur targets are Drop Kick first, then Wiggle Room second. If you need threat removal, then Sneak By would be the third option. All of the other attack cards are just throwaways. Use 'em and lose 'em.