Ms. Marvel JUSTICE (For Multiplayers)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Sarrasha · 3

Try my multiplayers decks


Jan 04, 2021 Bowser · 37

I've been playing this in a 3 player expert Rise of Red Skull campaign. First get down to 40 cards. Cut 3x Followed, 3x Great Responsibility, 3x Foiled! and 1x Surveillance Team. You really want to focus on Ms. Marvels ability, and these cards don't support that. Just doing that alone will make you deck more consistent and a lot stronger.

I'd like to add 6 cards:

Add 1x Agent Coulson and 1x Counterintelligence. They are very efficient at threat control even when you are in alter-ego.

Add 1x Spider-Man. In multiplayer this guy is awesome.

Add 1x Nick Fury. He is easy to play in this deck and great bang for the buck.

Add 2x For Justice! for big threat removal that can be needed in multiplayer.

So to do that I'd cut 1x Stealth Strike and 1x Concussive Blow. These cards are good, but situational. Also 1x Beat Cop, again he is good (even great in most justice decks), but not as good in multiplayer I find. Cut 1x Helicarrier because there are enough setup cards already. And lasts, cut 1x Endurance and the remaining Surveillance Team. That should bring you to 40.

Jan 05, 2021 Sarrasha · 3

Some Changes maked, thanks for your tips ;)