Hulk - Justice?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


I wanted to play with the idea of a Hulk Justice deck.

Hulk does not have any trouble dealing damage, so my goal here is to let him use his character cards and base attack to hand out damage when needed, but then to rely on Event cards to do his work in Justice. His Justice cards are all 2 cost or less and can be reduced by Sense of Justice. Further, he has Deft Focus to reduce the cost of his Hulk superpower cards. Once both of these are in place, he will hopefully be able to play two cards a turn with some regularity in his hero form.

This Hulk is also set up to do some heavy tanking, with Endurance and Immovable Object he can get pretty impressive hit points and with Recuperation, Down Time and Banner's Laboratory, any trips to his alter-ego should heal him rapidly. This tanking allows him to to soak up attacks without defending as well as use Great Responsibility freely.

There are only two cheap allies. Quake can help with any minions who get a chance to scheme when you make the occasional trip to the Bruce Banner side of the hero card. Wiccan can hopefully thwart a couple of time and then take a hit for the team.

Naturally, this will all take some set up to get running and your first trip through the deck should be focused on getting his supports and upgrades out while putting out Threat fires and strategically dealing damage while you get your engine running.